cannot install OTA update


Jul 20, 2011
Hey fellas,

Received the over the air notification of an update being available. Huge file, 356MB. Downloaded and tried to install. Seems the download was bad. Tried again. This time it downloaded the file and I started the install. Unzipped the file and did it's thing. Afterwards error message said update failed.

Contacted Acer support who informed me the update was honeycomb 3.1 But after hearing the horror stories about wifi issues after the 3.1 update I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to get the update in the first place. At least with 3.0 I have no issues connecting to my network.

And Acer's solution was to do a factory reset when I explained the problem. This is last resort for me. Reminds me of the old days when you contacted microsoft support and their answer for eveerything thing was "you need to reinstall windows"
I remember hearing that you can try to clear out the cache and data for the Media Storage application and retry the download. I'd certainly try that before reloading personally.
I had no problems with the 3.1 update and have just had a patch for that, just been fine for me as it has for a lot of people.

Be patient it is worth the wait.


Hey fellas,

Received the over the air notification of an update being available. Huge file, 356MB. Downloaded and tried to install. Seems the download was bad. Tried again. This time it downloaded the file and I started the install. Unzipped the file and did it's thing. Afterwards error message said update failed.

Contacted Acer support who informed me the update was honeycomb 3.1 But after hearing the horror stories about wifi issues after the 3.1 update I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to get the update in the first place. At least with 3.0 I have no issues connecting to my network.

If you just got this update, it won't have wifi issues. That has already been solved.
You failed to mention if your tablet has been rooted and had bloatware removed. That's often the cause of why the download fails to install.

Also, if you have a microSD card, try removing that and installing again.
Thanks for the info Icebike. No tab is not rooted and I have no SD card in it yet. Just downloaded a few apps.

Seeing posts here and at the acer tablet forum the problem seems to still be happening as of today as posters have reported the issue after having just installed the update within the last day or so. What makes you think the issue has been corrected?
I haven't seen a single post from anybody reporting that they are running the patched or updated OS and claiming to STILL have the wifi connection loop problem without it turning out to be that they were not yet patched and they were running old software.

Lots of confused new users, but none of the people reporting the wifi connection loop have reported back that it persists AFTER they arrive at the Version level I posted here:

I was replying to this comment in your first post: " But after hearing the horror stories about wifi issues after the 3.1 update I'm wondering if I should even bother"...

That wifi problem is fixed.

Please post the EXACT version number your tablet is running.
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To confirm, mine did a 356MB update (was still 3.0) and it installed fine. I did not have the wireless problem once it updated, because I assume that it was included in that huge download.
To confirm, mine did a 356MB update (was still 3.0) and it installed fine. I did not have the wireless problem once it updated, because I assume that it was included in that huge download.

And FTR, what version are you running now?

See, you got a FULL Update, to a newer version than the rest of us who just got the patch.
Note yours is .01 higher than what you get if you apply the patch. That is so the patch doesn't try to download and install over your OS.
Hi Every Bods

I had the update download that failed. How do I get it to try to install again, sorry if this is a dumb question but I have only had it a week.

Thanks in adavance
