Can't even install the driver


Dec 23, 2010
Hey this isnt my tablet its my fathers. But anyway when I plug it into my computer, it obviously needs to install the driver. But it cant find the driver. I have to have the Android Eclair CD? So I can't even install the driver. And Appslib wont even work. I tried it next to my Archos Tablet and its the Coby Tablet screwing up. 1) I can't even install the driver to update the darn thing 2) AppsLib wont even work. I don't want a link to any rooting or w/e. I just need a simple answer and explanation for my problems. Tyvm
It doesn't need a driver, or at least it didn't on my Win7 system. To fix Appslib, go to on the tablet and download the Appslib update. It will fix the error and restore access to appslib. If you're trying to install the firmware update from Coby, two things to be aware of. If your dad got the tablet recently it is probably already updated, and if not, there is an excellent video on Coby's website that will take you step by step through the update process. It's pretty easy.
It happens that you even cant perform downloading of the driver. There could be many of the reasons behind this. There are some of the sites that offer free driver download. These sites may be not safe or not appropriate as such you need to use commercial application that lets easy download of the driver. May it help you. Best of luck.