[h=2]Prestigio - PMP7280C3G V4.2.2[/h]I'm in ( rua1 CWM v5.5.0.4 for PMP7280C3G V4.2.2 )
I got to the part where I need to install SuperSU-v1.65.zip it has options such as this one ( install zip from sdcard ) so I click the Tablet power button to choose it then from there I choose ( apply /sdcard/update.zip ) then it says...
-- installing: /sdcard/update.zip
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /sdcard/update.zip
Please does anyone know what I need to do.
Any Helpful Steps on things to check and do and any Information will be much and greatly Appreciated.

Please read previous Post link below for additional information.
I got to the part where I need to install SuperSU-v1.65.zip it has options such as this one ( install zip from sdcard ) so I click the Tablet power button to choose it then from there I choose ( apply /sdcard/update.zip ) then it says...
-- installing: /sdcard/update.zip
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /sdcard/update.zip
Please does anyone know what I need to do.
Any Helpful Steps on things to check and do and any Information will be much and greatly Appreciated.
Please read previous Post link below for additional information.