Can't Mount SD Card


Nov 10, 2013
[h=2]Prestigio - PMP7280C3G V4.2.2[/h]I'm in ( rua1 CWM v5.5.0.4 for PMP7280C3G V4.2.2 )

got to the part where I need to install it has options such as this one ( install zip from sdcard ) so I click the Tablet power button to choose it then from there I choose ( apply /sdcard/ ) then it says...

-- installing: /sdcard/
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /sdcard/

Please does anyone know what I need to do.

Any Helpful Steps on things to check and do and any Information will be much and greatly Appreciated.


Please read previous Post link below for additional information.
?????????? you are trying to install yet you tell the recovery to look for, do those names look the same to you? they don't look the same to the recovery either. So either rename to or look for
?????????? you are trying to install yet you tell the recovery to look for, do those names look the same to you? they don't look the same to the recovery either. So either rename to or look for

Thanks for letting me know I will rename the to also would you by any chance be able to guess if thats a reason as to why it doesn't mount the sdcard where the file zip is located.


Thanks again for your reply.
?????????? you are trying to install yet you tell the recovery to look for, do those names look the same to you? they don't look the same to the recovery either. So either rename to or look for


I have renamed it to and still nothing E:Can't mount /sdcard/

Anymore Help will be Appreciated. ( I also took a photo hopefully you will b able to see the situation.
You need to compare your stock recovery recovery.fstab with the one in CWM v5.5.0.4, seems they are different.
You need to compare your stock recovery recovery.fstab with the one in CWM v5.5.0.4, seems they are different.

This is what I did from the steps I found and translated the steps into English.

Testing the current model PMP7280C3G_DUO with FW 1.0.05 and 1.0.07
Installing CWM :

First Tablet Do NOT let it lie somewhere near you will need it .

Second Download and unzip the file . | Ulo?.to password : 7280

3rd Open Device Manager on the computer to turn off the tablet and connect the cable to the PC for a while, the new device ( MT65xx preloader ) right click update driver (if 2x click left to open the info on the device and select Update Driver ) and manually install the driver " MediaTek preloader USB VCOM Port " from the Drivers folder depending on your version of Windows (tested on XP and Win7 32bit and 64bit ) - If does not happen the first time you just disconnect and reconnect tablet , again captured the moment on the device.

4th Unplug the tablet and start Flash_tool.exe

5th Right click on a scatter - loading and set the path to the directory / PMP7280C3G Recovery CWM/MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt and let Open.

6th Up in a menu icon you click on a download in the following confirm with YES you want to continue .

7th Connect the tablet off - starts by itself recovery download to your tablet . Can now be two situations ; endings Will a download window with a green circle . A second variant or passes first the download and install the computer starts by itself another driver " MediaTek DA USB VCOM Port" and flash program throws an error . Not to worry if you just unplug the tablet itself on off it and click again to download again, click YES to connect off tablet . Ted would arrive melo successful recovery in tablet and confirmation will be green ring in a new window.

8.Odpojte cable from the tablet and hold the VOL + and Power 3 seconds and you are in CWM recovery .

First In the ROOT folder is a file Supers - and upload the memory card or tablet.
Second Run the recovery and select "install zip from sdcard" then select a location where you want the file to install depends by location " choose zip from sdcard " and " choose zip from internal sdcard " you will find include file and press power .
3rd select reboot system

That's all . :)

Way back in the state with Origami recovery without root if required :
Approach, as well as with CWM just place ingredients into CWM Recovery Route to Recovery folder Origo . The rest is the same. In the tablet to run the application supers and remove root data settings .

XDA for Supers -

I got the the part where I press the vol+ and power now it's just confusing any Help on what could be wrong or things I need to check and if possible how - Would be greatly Appreciated.
