caseen S7 and S10 Sleeves for 7 & 10 Inch Tablets/eReaders?!


Aug 30, 2012
[h=6]Still looking for an awesome sleeve case for your tablet? Well look no further with caseen's S7 and S10 tablet and eReader Sleeves! Coming to you in Metallic Red Skew, Metallic Black Skew, Retro Pink Plaid, and Black Tan Plaid, these sleeves offer both protection and style. Always perfect for those on the go.

The S7 sleeve is meant for the entire Amazon Kindle Lineup, Google Nexus 7, Barnes & Noble Nook/Nook Color, and other 7 Inch Tablets and eReaders.

The S10 is meant for the Apple iPad 2 and 3rd Generation, the entire Asus Transformer Lineup (TF201,TF300,TF700,TF700T), and other 10 Inch Tablets and eReaders.

S7: 7" Inch Sleeves

S10: 10" Inch Sleeves

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