"cell standby" using 71% of power in airplane mode

Lew Rockwell Fan

Junior Member
Jan 22, 2015
Any way to disable the cell phone functions entirely? My battery is being depleted rapidly and all I really want to use this for is reading ebooks. "Cell standby" is killing my battery even in airplane mode.
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This may sound strange but how strong is the cell signal? The reason I ask is because my cell phones use less power for the phone than anything else, unless the signal is really weak. Even then the screen and WiFi use more battery.
Thanks for the response. Signal is probably pretty weak here. Some people can use there cell phones here, sometimes. Others never. I probably ought to root this and install a simpler system, assuming I keep it. I was hoping there might be some easier way, at least for the moment.
You may want to try Airplane Mode. If the signal is the problem rooting and installing a new ROM may be fruitless. I would look at turning off data and WiFi.
Thanks again, Leeshor.
You may want to try Airplane Mode. If the signal is the problem rooting and installing a new ROM may be fruitless. I would look at turning off data and WiFi.
As mentioned:
even in airplane mode.
So I'm doing that already. I'm not sure it is taking though. Settings show airplane mode set, but I still get the suggestion to turn it on when I look at the battery section in settings. Wifi doesn't appear to be using much power and I do need to use it, at least until I get it tweaked, so I can access the repository. What do you mean by "turning off data"?
I suggest you consider doing a factory reset. Don't allow any apps to install again that aren't critical until you can determine it's stable. Be sure to save what data you can on a microSD card, the cloud or your computer.