CFW for MID7024 based on Alldro2 Gingerbread

Right now I'm experimenting with storing the rootfs on the internal sd instead of the NAND on my tablet.

The first thing I noticed was a faster boot time.

Only 17 seconds from the moment I press the power button to the lock screen. (vs about 26 seconds with NAND rootfs)
I'm using the stock internal sd, which is a class 4 I think? Maybe a class 10 would boot even faster
steev, I have done a Factory Reset in Settings after using your new partition scheme in and the "internal size" remained 1,5GB. Doing a "init SD card" made it the smaller regular size tho. I thought you'd like to know.

Installing rootfs on SD would be cool indeed, specially when using bigger & faster cards. It would save NAND too (it's much better to replace a broken SD than a dead NAND ;) ).
Good to know that factory reset doesn't mess with the partitions.

I was aware that init sdcard would mess them up.
This is the script they use ( from the recovery image):


if [ -e /sys/block/mtdblock4 ]   

echo "Init internal SD card !"    > $MONITOR
echo "Makeing partitions..."          > $MONITOR

cd /home/
#fuse mbr
sd_fdisk $MMC_CARD
sleep 1
dd if=./sd_mbr.dat of=$MMC_CARD

#refresh it

sleep 2

# format
umount $partition1 2> /dev/null
umount $partition2 2> /dev/null
umount $partition3 2> /dev/null
umount $partition4 2> /dev/null

#echo "mkfs.vfat -F 32 $partition1"    > $MONITOR
mkfs.vfat -F 32 $partition1
# name 
mkdosfs $partition1 -n sdcard
#echo "mkfs.ext4 $partition2"        > $MONITOR
mkfs.ext4 $partition2
#echo "mkfs.ext4 $partition3"        > $MONITOR
mkfs.ext4 $partition3
#echo "mkfs.ext4 $partition4"        > $MONITOR
mkfs.ext4 $partition4

echo "MMC card init successfully."    > $MONITOR

echo "iNand system ! skip !"    > $MONITOR


I don't think I can easily modify it without the kernel source
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Good to know that factory reset doesn't mess with the partitions.

I was aware that init sdcard would mess them up.
This is the script they use ( from the recovery image):

I don't think I can easily modify it without the kernel source

well :) we can make "request" at the flashback team at the other forum.
Good to know that factory reset doesn't mess with the partitions.

I was aware that init sdcard would mess them up.
This is the script they use ( from the recovery image):


I don't think I can easily modify it without the kernel source

Can't you use the tutorial below to unpack the recovery image, modify the script then re-pack it?
HOWTO: Unpack, Edit, and Re-Pack Boot Images - Android Wiki

I am very interested in adding the SD system mod to my next GingerLF version (V1.2 SpeedOfLight).

JFYI: using the latest GAPPS pack from - gapps downloads (removed FOTAKill and some other stuff I don't like tho) and using the Galaxy Tab 2.3.3 fingerprint I was able to get Market to auto-update to 3.3.11, and it now shows a "staff picks for tablets". ;)
I'll probably release something soon.

For sd rootfs you need to modify the bootargs in u-boot.bin:

-Change "root=ubi0:rootfs" to "root=/dev/mmcblk0p4" for internal sd (or "root=/dev/mmcblk1p4" for extsd), you can overwrite the "ubi.mtd=4" part to make room.
-Change "rootfstype=ubifs" to "rootfstype=ext4"

You'll also have to modify to mount the internal sd instead of the NAND
mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p4 /mnt/root


  • $after.png
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Funny thing: I just finished modifying to successfully install all files on internal microSD but it wouldn't boot. Then I thought a bit and realized I needed to change u-boot.bin args but I wasn't sure what to use, and I bricked my tablet once doing this so I thought I'd wait for your release... ;)
Well, didn't work here... I am using a new u-boot.bin with a new utscript, it uses a new file called u-boot.arg which has the proper bootarg string (or I thought so), but editing u-boot.arg as you said didn't work. Or I am doing something wrong with mi Hex editor on Mac (0xED). Lemme test with a Win virtual machine, maybe it's something to do with the Big Endian/Little Endian stuff... :confused:

Edit: the edited file looks OK... wth...

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Looks like you edited it right.

Can you post your u-boot files and utscript?
Have you tried changing the bootargs in u-boot.bin too?

I believe it is safe (as long as you don't accidentally change anything else).
I think it's the "boardargs" that can cause a hard brick if you mess them up. Of course I could be wrong...

I'm using the latest gapps pack now, along with and init.smdkv210.rc_160 from your CFW.

I'm not seeing a "Staff picks for Tablets" for some reason (Maybe the smaller screen?), but downloading paid apps works and "Smurfs' Village" shows up now :)
Nope, I didn't. I did flash the modified u-boot.arg and it was like the display driver that was load was for utgm8 instead. I didn't brick tho, I could reflash the correct one later. I have a feeling that either I am doing something wrong or 1024 can't take modified u-boot's... I will wait until warranty is over and I open the table to exchange its internal microSD to try any u-boot mod. ;)

Yes, maybe it's the screen size. Did you try a smaller dpi, like 140?
Ah, that did it. Thanks.

I cleared market data and temporarily changed the dpi to 120, now I see "Staff Picks for Tablets"
Just joined to say thanks on the firmware. It make the 7024 works great and support Skype video call without any hacking.

The only problem I have is that the picture and video taking by the camera is always as "mirror" image. I did not notice it until my sister told me over the skype video call.
However, the preview look fine. You can test it by using the camera apps to take a picture. The picture will be mirror image of the preview. I don't think there is problem with stock firmware.

In addition, I have two 2G Kingston microSD, one made in Japan and one made in Taiwan. I can only flash the ROM using the one from Japan. It keeps telling me no SD card if I use the one made in Taiwan.

KK :)