CFW for MID7024 based on Alldro2 Gingerbread

You can probably safely delete the settings.apk from the honeycomb folder, I'm not sure it's even needed.
But I did not experience any crashes using it.

Leave all the original apks in the folder and restart in 200dpi! I was amazed with the beauty! You have to try it!
Do other roms work with it?
nope. but honestly, the teenagers took over the big plazma - playing 'left for dead - 2' & 'team fortress -2'... i wonder if they can get a semester credit for it ?
i now have dreams about zombies
The honeycomb one. The other in the test rom is better for me, the percentages on this icon worry me and keep looking it xD

And for the wifi that turns off when the tab sleeps, any way to keep the wifi running?

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
Leave all the original apks in the folder and restart in 200dpi! I was amazed with the beauty! You have to try it!

Amateur question, how do I configure it to 200dpi?

Thanks in advance jeje

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
@yikzu either edit init.smdkv210.rc (don't need root) or use an apk like LCD resolution.

Anyone using AllDro2-based ROMs is experiencing very long boot times (>2min) when there is a lot of apks installed? I don't know if it's a problem with my CFW or if it's Gingerbread 2.3 thing...
@yikzu either edit init.smdkv210.rc (don't need root) or use an apk like LCD resolution.

Anyone using AllDro2-based ROMs is experiencing very long boot times (>2min) when there is a lot of apks installed? I don't know if it's a problem with my CFW or if it's Gingerbread 2.3 thing...

Thanks a lot! Hmmm yes Im experiencing a long boot time, and I've had a bunch of crashes... I had it overclocked but Im going to use the normal u-boot.bin instead...
The most stable CFW I've tried so far. Experienced a minor problem with the sound: when overclocked, there is an annoying high freq tone playing in the background. Doesn't happen when running at normal clock speed.

I attached my most insignificant contribution, a custom logo.bmp that brings the KYROS logo (same as on the back side), which displays during boot. A bit less bulky than the stock COBY logo. If anyone wants to try it, just replace logo.bmp on sd root before flashing.

Many, many thanks to @steev and all the contributors. My Kyros has never been so good! Sorry for the bad English.


  • $logo.jpg
    2.6 KB · Views: 425
crap !
when i tried to login to gmail - it said i had a problem with my credentials and / or its network. i thought "WOW" ... huh ? so i logged into gmail on the pc and had zero problems. good and so stop worrying about the worst. so i googled the problem and it seems that tons of folks have this problem and the top solution is to hard reset the phone ( which is what our tablets are... a large phone that cannot make any calls... )
soooo... i tried a hard reset, ie. re-load the firmware. . . . and what i got for my effort is a hard bricked tablet.
i try to turn "on" and then the side lights come on for a second and then turn off. there is never anything on the display...
Hmmm. maybe my unit does not like going fast ? . if and when i un-brick this thing, i'll have to stick with the slower speed.
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rain, I had an error like that once when trying to sign in to Google+

Then I noticed a message in the Notifications area (Menu>Notifications) that said something like, "Google+ wants access to your Google account. Allow or Deny?" I clicked allow and then it worked.
@yikzu either edit init.smdkv210.rc (don't need root) or use an apk like LCD resolution.

Anyone using AllDro2-based ROMs is experiencing very long boot times (>2min) when there is a lot of apks installed? I don't know if it's a problem with my CFW or if it's Gingerbread 2.3 thing...

my experience with my old genesis firmware...boot time is fast when apps are few...but once i restore my apps via titanium backup...then boottime is really to my old Froyo firmware <1min even if full of apps
Thanks a loot forks my tablet its more usefull with this firmware. Softkey from the HC theme are the best.

My contribution: on every reboot i have to recalibrate the screen.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
I can not install any payed app from Market. The free ones are downloaded perfectly, but any pay one (try to buying it or downloading previous payed with another android tablet I have) fails.

It shows a error that says "ERROR, TRY AGAIN"
I can not install any payed app from Market. The free ones are downloaded perfectly, but any pay one (try to buying it or downloading previous payed with another android tablet I have) fails.

It shows a error that says "ERROR, TRY AGAIN"

Thanks for reporting, that is a major issue.

Might be related to that leaked 3.2 Market apk I'm using.
Can you try this older version?

edit: I can confirm that works

You must uninstall the new version and clear market data before installing

You can use titanium backup to uninstall

edit 2: nevermind I'm getting lots of force closes with this market.
I'll try a different one
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