It wasn't clear why your tabblet bricked... Did you install a firmware for 8024 and your tablet is a 1024 model?
First, make sure what model you have. If you have a MID1024, you have to verify what board it has (see initial post for more info). If it's a 1024n then any Gingerbread version should give you video calling. It was tested on Skype, not sure if Google+ hangouts work in 1024 tho.
yeah exactly, but i didn't know, actually in the thread it says that works with 7024, 8024 and 1024, i recall im new at this so... but anyway luckily I could recover my tablet, I guess that if the 1024 firmware worked on my tablet should be the right, so I guess I got a 1024 model... thanks for the answer i will try one of these roms and then let you know... again, thanks