Charger Problem :(


Jan 14, 2012
[ background story ]

I avoided buying the Prime since I've heard a lot of complaints about WiFi connectivity issues.
However it seems like I still couldn't avoid another problem: charging issues. Twice, and I've had the Transformer for 3 weeks now. Sigh!

My tablet seems to work fine and the usb cable as well (works when plugged into the PC).

I did notice that the "head" of the usb cable looked a bit crooked when plugged in my tablet... and a bit flimsy? It wobbles around if pushed gently.
Also, I tried pushing/spreading the the pin connectors inside the Adaptor and it worked once (yay).
Unfortunately... the charger isn't working again. Spreading the pins didn't work this time. I now have my Adaptor in my freezer and I hope that'll fix it.

Charger isn't working.

Looking for...
  • Your experiences with this issue
  • Fixing success stories
  • How many new chargers have you bought within x period of time.
  • Online or stores where you have gotten a new charger
  • Alternative adaptor; not from Asus

Thanks for reading!

-- Update --

Freezing the adaptor worked.
Geez... Wonder when my adaptor will break down again.

If any of you are looking for charger alternatives or DIYs,
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