Choppy flash video playback


Apr 7, 2011
Well I'm absolutely thrilled that I have working flash on my nook but wanted to know if there is any way to improve frame rates.

I flashed dalingrin's oc kernal and ran at 1.1 ghz, and closed most running processes, it got a little better but still pretty choppy. The sound is not choppy, just the video.

Its not related to wifi speed as I get very good speeds at home 13-15.5 MB/s. YouTube videos load fast and play smooth.

Is this issue more hardware or software related?

BTW running CM7 RC2 at 1.1ghz.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Update to at least cm7 rc4, but I'd recommend nightly 37 over rc4 because it adds tablet tweaks. I went from rc4 to 37 today and its great. Flash is not perfect, but very usable.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Or try UD 3.2.5 rom. Video playback is good and flash is flawless.

...unless bluetooth is mandatory for you at the moment.
If I flash to nightly 37 will I still have all my apps and settings? I went from RC4 to RC2 because of tablet tweaks. I had RC4 on the SD card, RC2 is flashed to emmc.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
And yes I'm referring to flash in browser.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Yes. Just download the zip to your SD card, launch recovery, format cache (nothing else), and install the 37 zip. If you want to OC, you'll need to install Dalingrins kernel again after you install 37. All of your apps and settings will remain :).

But as always, make a backup before you format cache and install. Enjoy!
Fyi nightly 38 is out

Yes. Just download the zip to your SD card, launch recovery, format cache (nothing else), and install the 37 zip. If you want to OC, you'll need to install Dalingrins kernel again after you install 37. All of your apps and settings will remain :).

But as always, make a backup before you format cache and install. Enjoy!

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Wow! Flashed to nightly 38 and flash videos are much smoother. Thank you guys for the advice.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Good deal. I'm really digging the tablet tweaks that were added in 37 :). HC will be fun when it shows up, but CM7 pretty much does it all. Smooth video, flash, Bluetooth, permanent soft buttons... what else do I need?

Oh and it has the best quadrant scores I've tested yet, not that that is the most important factor...

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I'm new to the forum and rooting. How do I update to nightly 38? I have CM7. My flash videos recently stopped playing. I often get "sorry, this video cannot be played."
If you are on the latest version of CM7 you are way past 38. The latest nightly is 70. First got to the Market and update Flash.