Chromo, Inc Noria T2 Digitizer Replacement


Feb 4, 2014
Hello everyone,

Last year I bought a Noria T2 tablet made by Chromo, Inc from Amazon. Recently, it suffered an accident and the screen broke. From what I read, the only thing that needs to be replaced is the digitizer. So I took apart the tablet to find any reference number on the broken digitizer, it says YDT1192-A1. I've been looking every where for this same model but it's unavailable. However, there's some similar digitizers that I could get for about US$20, but the connector/cable is no the same. Would any other digitizer be compatible or does it have to be the same exact model. I'm going crazy with this since there's not much information online.

Thanks for any help

Hi there. I have a CHROMO NORIA android 4.1 tablet (not sure if exact same model). The power button is broke on it, and I would like to send it somewheres for repair. But I have no idea where to send it to. Would anyone have idea of a repair shop I could send this device to? The device still works properly, I am not sure if I should try and bypass the power button just to power it up. I don't think I can do that over and over again. Don't want to wreck it more, since I think replacing the power button shouldn't be too expensive if I can find out the right place to send for repairs.