CM7 Nook Color apps running sluggish


May 1, 2011
Hey there guy's I've rooted 2 nooks(mine and my wife's) with the information you have posted here for us noobs and I thank you for all you help. Yesterday I was playing Zenonia2 on my nook and noticed that it was running sluggish I had been playing it for 2 day's before and everytime it ran smooth, so I rebooted and still the same thing so I tried running another program HeavyGunner,(the selection screen lags it used to run smooth), Doubletwist(this one tried to watch a movie and the movie was twitchy start-stop for a second and keeps going like that.)

I'm running kernel version 2.6.29-omap1, have 178mb/of 488mb available, CyanogenMod-7.0.2-encore, Android version 2.3.3 Build number GRI40.

I did set the cpu to 300min and 925max also done before this issue.

thanks for you help on this.

Sometimes you will experience slowdowns. Speed depends on a lot of things. Maybe you were downloading or updating new apps in the background? Maybe email was downloading, Facbook was updating, Pulse was pulling in new feeds and your calendar was syncing. There is also a chance that you are running a memory intesive app and don't know it. Or that an app has gone rouge or has a memory leak.

The point is that there is probably is no easy answer since it could be many things causing a general slow down. You can check to see if a particular app is being a resource hog and then kill it and see if that helps. If that doesn't work and over a prolonged period of time you still find the nook running sluggish you can try a fresh install of the ROM.

Thanks J5150P for the information on my issue, after I posted this message my nook was back to running fine no I'm glad to know that it is possible to do a fresh install again.

When mine does that, I kill everything running with my app killer. Usually fixes it right up.
Not to overuse a cliche, but I believe there's an app for that. You need an app that shows which processes are running and how much of the CPU is being used by each. If it is an unecissary process, you can kill it off. Just like the Windows Task Manager. I don't think you need to do a fresh install, and I'm not sure that it would help. You probably just have a hoggish app running in the background.
Just in case my post is being taken out of context, I am not suggesting that you jump to flashing a clean ROM. Yes there are ways to see how the apps are using resources. First see if the sluggishness is temporary and goes away in a reasonable amount of time. If not check your resources and see if closing some apps helps.

If neither of those work and your Nook is just slow all of the time then you might consider flashing a new ROM or kernel (sometimes you can have worse perfomance if you flash a new kernel and it turns out to be a dud).

JP :)