CMP738b(OS 2.2.1 ) Help Needed


Dec 29, 2011
I read it..and great but I am having a hard time when I connect my tablet Craig 7 inch touch screen Model: CMP738b(OS 2.2.1 )to my PC (I am using Windows XP). It shows up as two drives (I suspect one being for my SD that I installed) as well as itself but when I click on the drives to open..they ask me to install software disc.... say what? I can't open them up. What is going on? I'm totally at a loss. I'm a real beginners with any kind of tablet or such device to if you have answers please dumb it down as much as possible. Thanks. I hope you can help. Ravy
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My first idea would be to make sure you didn't somehow turn on usb debug mode. Go to your home screen, then press the settings button on top right. Press Settings, go to Applications, then Development, then make sure that USB Debugging is disabled. Also, try to just make sure that the tablet goes into USB storage mode, a screen should appear on the tablet when you connect it with USB to your pc.
ive did that and my tablet still wont connect to my computer. no matter what i do, it doesnt work. its fustrating. is there anymore suggestions of what i can do.