Craig CMP738B Root with working Android Market and Clean ROM IMG file

Sadly this problem is quite persistent. Happens with wifi on or off, sd card in or out.
I can't think of any other variables that I can test out.
thanks for the root files !! I successfully rooted and updated my realtek wifi CMP738B.. we got our 2 boys the tablets for Christmas and they were very disappointed with them.. now they're downloading apps and won't lets me touch either one.. don't know why they come locked from the factory, it's kindda stupid. i'll never buy an electronics device from Craig again.

when the kids get bored of them, i'm gonna try to install Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook on one.. lol
Hi All,

First, thanks to all that have worked hard to get roms for the craig cmp738b.

Second, I rooted my craig friday night using the realtalk rom above.

I have the following craig;

- cmp738b with August 2011 on back
- temp.apk says it has the RT3070 wifi
- had never been rooted before yestereday
- wifi was working "before" using the rom for those with realtalk wifi included in the post in this thread

After I rooted I got the "wifi" error

I therefore restored my craig back to factory setting using the original cmp7386 rom given in this post

I then went and tried the shad's rom and it worked meaning the wifi worked after the root but I experienced a problem after trying to use amazon market. If memory serves me correctly the zemp version of the browser crashed on me once. I was able to download from market apps I had previously purchased for my cell phone but I don't remember trying to download anything new.

Since amazon was giving me problems I decided to go try the realtalk rom root again but again got the wifi error

Making a long story short I therefore went back to the shad's version but it gives me a variety of errors and seems to not let me have downloads store to the sd card. I only downloaded 2 files from amazon and now it says "i have no space". Before the rom I had lots of games but it was storing to the sd card. I didn't see an option in the shad's version of settings to write to the sd card. I also started getting a lot of force close issues.

I finally restored it back to factory setting using the original rom above.

Is there any of the roms in this post that will work on my machine?

I have read through post here and others "i assume that had rooted" before the realtalk rom release and lost wifi got it back. I never rooted but used the realtalk rom release and "lost my wifi". So I restored back to factory settings.

Any help would be appreciated. Where do I go from here to get this rooted.

I'm attaching my screen after rooting with the realtalk rom which is when i got wifi errors so you can see the msgs in case it helps.



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tabletchic: If shads rom worked on your tablet with working wifi you have RalinkTech hardware on your tablet. shads rom is android 2.1, flushs rom is android 2.2, both of these are for ralinktech hardware.
I have had only one issue with this rom. In Security Guard when I try to run a malware scan or try to prevent apps from auto-staring I get the error "The application security guard (pocess com.rockchip) has stopped unexpectedly". Should I try to reset the tablet back to the factory rom and then reinstall? Or can I just try to reinstall your rom?

I would greatly appreciate your advice.
Can someone please give me some advice?
I am fully prepared to reinstall this puppy.
I just need a suggested course of action.
Do I?:
a. Restore to default THEN install the rom again? or...
b. Reinstall the rom without any other prep?
Please help.
Salty: Thanks a bunch. I downloaded the flushs 2.2 version as you suggested and it is working perfectly so far. I really appreciate your help.

I have a quick question, is there an CraigCMP738BOrigRom.img for a RalLink Tech, since the one posted is for a RealTek. It just seems there should be two Original Images, since there are two types of CMP738B's.
I appreciate all the hard work you guys have done, but I'd like to go back to the Original Setup. Stupidly, I never made an image, before trying to root my tablet.
Thanks in advance,
What does Rooting the tablet means? Does this make the tablet any faster? Is there a way to possibly overclock?
Jersey City huh? Have fun Snooki spotting!
Rooting is giving you super administrator privileges. You can do things that the normal operating system will not allow you to do.
I have seen other discussions where people have tried to overclock their tablets, I am not sure what the results are.
Bought a CMP738B recently and decided to install CraigCMP738BFlushs.img but when I go to download the file from the link on page 1 it stops download at different sizes. The first download was 2mb then next was 9mb. The largest was 20mb. I then used Shad's 2.1 which works great except the screen is upside down unless i turn off screen rotate.

Just got one of these tablets. Updated with the Rooted ROM and all looks good. Big thanks to M3Red for the hard work and clear information.
Now I'm trying to delete some of the pre-installed applications as suggested by bmic99 to make it a little more responsive.

I used ASTRO to go into the \system\app directory, select an app like 'gmail', choose Open App Manager and press UnInstall and OK to confirm.
The screen then comes back with 'Uninstall not successful'.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi All,

First, thanks to all that have worked hard to get roms for the craig cmp738b.

Second, I rooted my craig friday night using the realtalk rom above.

I have the following craig;

- cmp738b with August 2011 on back
- temp.apk says it has the RT3070 wifi
- had never been rooted before yestereday
- wifi was working "before" using the rom for those with realtalk wifi included in the post in this thread

After I rooted I got the "wifi" error

I therefore restored my craig back to factory setting using the original cmp7386 rom given in this post

I then went and tried the shad's rom and it worked meaning the wifi worked after the root but I experienced a problem after trying to use amazon market. If memory serves me correctly the zemp version of the browser crashed on me once. I was able to download from market apps I had previously purchased for my cell phone but I don't remember trying to download anything new.

Since amazon was giving me problems I decided to go try the realtalk rom root again but again got the wifi error

Making a long story short I therefore went back to the shad's version but it gives me a variety of errors and seems to not let me have downloads store to the sd card. I only downloaded 2 files from amazon and now it says "i have no space". Before the rom I had lots of games but it was storing to the sd card. I didn't see an option in the shad's version of settings to write to the sd card. I also started getting a lot of force close issues.

I finally restored it back to factory setting using the original rom above.

Is there any of the roms in this post that will work on my machine?

I have read through post here and others "i assume that had rooted" before the realtalk rom release and lost wifi got it back. I never rooted but used the realtalk rom release and "lost my wifi". So I restored back to factory settings.

Any help would be appreciated. Where do I go from here to get this rooted.

I'm attaching my screen after rooting with the realtalk rom which is when i got wifi errors so you can see the msgs in case it helps.


Hello everyone!

This is my first post in this forum.

First of all Angela is "Realtek" not "realtalk".

I had the same problem and did everything as you.

I found the solution. It's really stupid, but I solved the problem with mine.

First, go to the apps and open the "Quick wifi" app, press "Open wifi", then "Close wifi" and "Open wifi" again.

Close the app and go to "Settings", "Wireless and network", "Wifi settings" and you will not see that "Wifi Error", but when you try to connect to the network the device will keep trying to connect without any result.

So turn off the wifi, then go to "Astro file manager", in the \system files, \app folder, look for the "Quickwifi.apk", press and re-install the app.

Close the "Astro file manager" and go again to "Wifi settings". You should be able to connect to your home network.

I hope that will fix the wifi problem for everyone, bacause I have not had any problems so far with it.

It's like when, in Windows if a device is not working properly the last suggestion is to re-install the driver.

Good bye everyone!

I installed the img for the realtek wifi from the first page. I figured I'd put up a bit of a synopsis of what has and hasn't worked.

First I installed the Flush rom, then the realtek rom on top of it when wifi didn't work. I didn't turn off the wifi before flashing, and it is now working fine.

From the Market, I installed Titanium Backup in order to take more control of the system, and started updating apps through the market and disabling annoying builtins. Here's a synopsis: (Freezing is Titanium lingo for disabling without uninstalling)
Amazon Appstore: Updating broke it. In Titanium Backup, detach it from the market. (So the Market won't try to update it)
Amazon Kindle: Updating broke it. Detached it from market.
Android Market: Attached to market, haven't seen any effects yet.
Calculator: Freezing it in Titanium Backup had no ill effect. Possibly uninstallable.
Calendar: Freezing it had no ill effect.
Email: Freezing had no ill effect.
ES Tast Manager: Freezing had no ill effect.
EthernetSettings: Freezing had no ill effect.
Facebook: Freezing had no ill effect.
Liquid Particles Live Wallpaper: Freezing had no ill effect.
Live Wallpaper Picker: Freezing had no ill effect. Make sure you're not running a live wallpaper first.
Maps: Froze fine, however some apps will not install without it.
Network Location: Freezing had no ill effect.
Pico TTS: Freezing had no ill effect.
Security Guard: Freezing had no ill effect, this in particular made things faster.

I have not yet tried uninstalling any of these system apps, but I imagine any that froze fine should be fully uninstallable.