Coby 7015 Calendar and Contacts:

Followed your instructions but having a lot of trouble. Please help. I downloadedthe 7015 Calendar folder and all the files inside to the SD card of my Kyros. then I installed Super Manager and went to the SD card and copied all the APK files and then hit the back button and navigated to the System/App folder and pasted the files. It looked like they were pasting to the folder, but after they were done, I can not find them. I figured they may not show until I reboot, so rebooted and still nothing. Tried copy/pasting the files one by one and still no luck. They don't show up. What am I doing wrong?
Followed your instructions but having a lot of trouble. Please help. I downloadedthe 7015 Calendar folder and all the files inside to the SD card of my Kyros. then I installed Super Manager and went to the SD card and copied all the APK files and then hit the back button and navigated to the System/App folder and pasted the files. It looked like they were pasting to the folder, but after they were done, I can not find them. I figured they may not show until I reboot, so rebooted and still nothing. Tried copy/pasting the files one by one and still no luck. They don't show up. What am I doing wrong?


I am not familiar with Super Manager so I can not instruct you on how to use the application. I assume it is a file viewer but in order for the mod to work it needs to have root access, Root Explorer is the aplication I use and know will work. If you did not need to give the other application root authorization then that is why it is not working for you. The good news is you probably have not changed or hurt anything on your tablet. If the program did move the files correctly to /system/app then my guess is that you still need to change the permissions as listed in the instructions.

Ok, I purchased root explorrer, set the permissions to match the other applications (RW) and copied from the SD card and pasted in the System/App directory. Then turned the Kyros off and powered up again (reboot). Went to settings and nothing as far as Accounts and Sync are showing up. I thought maybe I have to actually install the files, so I went back into the System/App and instyalled the files. They all installed except for the contacts.apk and Googlegalanderadapter.apk. They gave an error message. I noticed that their permissions showed as RWxr-x. Don't see a way to make them RW-R--R-- like the others. Maybe that's why they wouldn't install? I rebooted again and still not seeing account and sync in the settings menu, but now my business calander is showing the google calendar as the default calendar and I can now store events in the calendar. I don't think I caN SYNC WITH GOOGLE THOUGH BECAUSE THE SYNCE DIDN'T INSTALL AND ALSO THE CONTACTS DIDN'T INSTALL. aNY IDEAS OR SUGGESTIONS?
Ok, so you are getting there. To change permissions on any apk in Root Explorer you need to press and hold the apk until a dialog box appears. Then scroll down to "Permissions" and click on it. It will bring up a dialog box with a 3x3 grid. Uncheck all except the first two on the first line and the first box for both lines 2 & 3. This makes the permission RW-,R--,R-- (this needs to be done for all apks that you pasted into /system/app and they should look like the rest of the apks in this folder). Make sure all apks have this RW-,R--,R-- permission in the entire folder before exiting. If you get a message that "You are not allowed" to make this change then you must click on the white "Mount R/W" tab at the top of the screen. Then a simple reboot and you are in business! You do not install the apks, it will not let you as you have experienced.


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ok, followed your instructions and rebooted and account and sync are now in the settings menu. Next, I clicked on accounts & sync settings to click the settings you mentioned, but there are only three settings: Background data, Auto-sync and a small title that says Manage accounts which has my google email address and says Sync is on. I don't see anything for contacts. Did I do something wrong?
Never Mind my last post. I clicked on the circular arrows nexzt to my gmail address and it opened a sub folder where I found the Sync Contacts, Sync Calendar and Sync Gmail options. They are all all checked now. Thanks for your help.
I have to call HTC because my HTC incredible does not seem to sync to Google through my computer. It worked a month ago, but not now. I read some forums and others are having the same problem, so I can't sync my phones calendar events to my Google calander to test if the Kyros syncs up with it. As soon as I work things out with HTC, I will be able to test. In the meantime, the next thing I want to get up and running on this device is the ability to play Flash files. You mentioned earlier in this thread that You were able to accompliush this. Is there a file I need to download and how do I install? Is it the same way you told me to install the calender files using root Explorer?
HTC must have resolved the issue becuase before calling them, I tried syncing my Incredible to my computer and it worked. Kyros also synced and now all my appointments are in the device. (Yea!). Now, about that Flash player.....
You my friend are a busy beaver today. Yes I was aple to get FlashLight up and working very well on the Coby. I have all the files and instructions posted in a different thread. One of the members even created a spanky cool video on how to do the mod as well as one showing flash in action. It is a little bit harder to do and several users were complaining that it was not working for them but they were not following my instructions. For it to work you must have the factory browser application installed, they were trying to do it on an already moded browser. To find my other thread back out and go the Coby gen1 Technical area and scroll half way down to "Working FlashlLite (version 9 not 10) for Coby 7015 tablet. Every thing is all spelled out just follow the instructions to the T.


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