coby 7015 or 7024? please help....

Hmm. I have not tried to install 2.3 yet, seemed too complicated for me. I am kinda new to all this. Also, the day it came out I flashed to HC, so I wanted to give that a try to see how cool it was. It rocks! And if 2.3 is better, when HC comes out for that im getting that.
Andre, tb sou brasileira, tenho o 7024, nunca usei o 7015... fiz um comentario no forum do sobre o 7024, alguem la comentou das vantagens deste tablet e comentei principalmente de algumas dificuldades que tive. Da uma olhada.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
marilia, pode me enviar o link?

comprarei um kyros no paraguai, e to em duvida quando a processaor e memoria, se realmente fazem a diferença, pois nao vou usar exclusivamente pra jogos, quero mais é assistir filmes, musica, e usar como um organizador pessoal (agenda, contatos...), logico, um joquinho sempre é bem vindo...
I have a movie on here, and it played good. I did not have it rooted then too and used the stock video player. It momentarily froze once or twice, but i do not know if it was the video or the tablet. (got the video as a torrent so i dont kno the quality)

And games, it plays fine.

I recommend the 7015 highly.
I working on the GB2.3.1 HoneyComb Hybrid Version still. Either way you need to start off HCV13.0 B20 for OS 2.1. The OS 2.3.1 version will be out later in June.

how can i install this honeycomb hybri version b20?
i need to z4root, recovery manager, recovery.img and the from the honeycomb in this link
Log in

i have to just root, and directly install this from the link above???

Thats about it. I used this video to help me, It is nicer since you can watch the person do it than following written directions.

If you have a problem saying that the file is not there, check the description of the video. It tells more there. All links to downloads are in description of video.

Then go to the link you posted, follow the directions, and you will have HC.

tipstir, It is good to know that the HC Hybrid will be out in June. I am looking forward, and do u suggest or recommend that I should install GB 2.3 b4 installing HC Hybrid, or would it be best off staying with the HC ROM?
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thanks xxchocolatetouchxx

my new 7015 will arrive on friday, so i will use this video to root and install the b20full customized rom....

thanks again for all people

hugs from brazil
he arrived! now i'm putting the honeycomb v20 on it.... he is amaizing!!!!
i just rooted and install honeycomb b20F, but i din't like it, so much application on it!

i'm searching programs now
Dido i got mines to weeks ago and i did all the updates i love it except 7024 and the other ones have cameras i was wondering can you plug in a Webcam to the kyros MID 7015 USB port the keyboad worked
I would experiment on a few different cameras and apps. Some say they couldnt get a cam to work, and I havent read someone who has gotten one to work, but all you need to do is just try a few and see if one will work.
Hi guys,

An interesting problem with Coby 7015: After upgrading from 2.1.1 eclair to 2.3 gingerbread, it doesn't recognize any pendrive.. Plugged in 4 types 4 size, nothing. Any suggestions? all of them worked under 2.1.1 .. AData 16G flash, 0,5G Kingston, 1G Kingston, and an unknown 4G.
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