Coby 7015 Wi-Fi Issues

Rescan - Shut off the Wi-Fi and turn it back on. Reset your router and modem by inpluggin each one for 30 seconds.
Rescan - Shut off the Wi-Fi and turn it back on. Reset your router and modem by inpluggin each one for 30 seconds.

I believe the issue is not with my routers but with the Coby. I cannot connect to any WI-FI. It tries to connect, then drops and says disconnected.
We need more details. Are you getting an error message? What brand is your router? DLink ones have been known to not play well with the Kyros. First, reboot your router and modem. If that doesn't work, go into your WiFi connections on the tablet and tell it to "forget" your connection. Then re-add it.
The Wi-Fi on the Kyros is a bit weak. I went to fry's and bought a 2nd 801N wireless for the bedroom for $19 and it works great now.

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AT&T U-Verse Modem/Router 2n1 thingy is weak for my Kyros MID7015. I get barely 2 bars of 4 bars on Wifi. But I guess It is a Router G or something like that. When I'm closer to the router; the signal are full bars. But yeah Kryos wireless can weak at times and I do get disconnected once a while. Overall I like my first Android tablet; I just got it today. Everything works like I wanted since I wish I had bluetooth.
No problems with wifi at home, although my apt is small (netgear-wgr614.) I did just get back from a trip and i got great Wifi signals at IAH, DEN and RNO airports and at my hotel in Tahoe.
I’ve ganked free signals from Office Depot and a bike shop sitting in my truck in front of the businesses. Also of note, I was able to surf teh interwebs and watch 2 ½ movies (probably just over 4 hours) all on a single battery charge and still have at least 10% batter left.
I had the same issue a couple of days ago. I fixed it by rebooting modem, router, removing my network name and adding it again. I had to set security to WEP for it to take. Haven't encountered any other wifi issues.

Sent from my MID7015 using Tapatalk
I had to set the coby from auto to the actual wireless security type i was connecting to before it would work.
Auto to WEP as an example
You can also try to set wifi baud rate by typing the following commands on abd shell:

$ su
# iwconfig wlan0 rate 11M