Coby 7022 not outputting via HDMI


Aug 14, 2011
Hey folk,
I just bought a 7022 from TRU and think this thing is awesome. I followed the threads to get market on without rooting and all is working well.

I tried outputting to my TV via HDMI and the setting screen simply has the output to HDMI grayed out and says "plug HDMI in." I haven't been able to test the cable, but it's brand new from Amazon (1.4). Anyone else seeing this?

I bought a cheapo HDMI on ebay. Had to wait 3 weeks to get it from China but it works great. Only tested it once and my only issue I found is that when HDMI is plugged in, it does not turn off the internal speaker AND HDMI volume is controlled by the volume buttons. So when trying to watch a movie, you hear from the TV and the 7022. I've been meaning to try (and just haven't yet) plugging in the headphones to see if that turns the internal speak off or both off.
I can confirm that plugging in headphones does work to stop volume from coming out of speaker but not TV (I watch movies from tablet all the time via HDMI)

I think I have the same hdmi cable from amazon (amazon brand?) and it works just fine I use it almost everyday. Go to settings and make sure hdmi is set to hdmi and not LCD or whatever the other option is. Also set to 1080p (unless your tv will not down convert to 1080p if its not 1080 resolution).

EDIT: but yea settings should be grayed out unless you plug in the hdmi cable. Then it will say HDMI at the top status bar and you can pull down notification menu to go to the hdmi settings.
Glad to hear its working for others. Plugging in the cabke doesnt give me any settings love so I hope its a cable thing.

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum
I had the same issue with the 7022. I actually purchased two of these tablets and one worked great out of the box and the other did not.
I spoke with Coby and they said to send it to them and they would fix it and return it but it would be several weeks.
Good luck!
I bought a cheapo HDMI on ebay. Had to wait 3 weeks to get it from China but it works great. Only tested it once and my only issue I found is that when HDMI is plugged in, it does not turn off the internal speaker AND HDMI volume is controlled by the volume buttons. So when trying to watch a movie, you hear from the TV and the 7022. I've been meaning to try (and just haven't yet) plugging in the headphones to see if that turns the internal speak off or both off.

when using HDMI, to the control the volume with the TV remote, use a cable from the headphones to the back of the TV.
Accidentally found a resolution to the volume outputing from the unit while using the mini HDMI out. I had bought this cheap pair of Mercury brand styli that are meant for the iPhone. They have a collapsable metal pen with a cheap foam tip and tethered to a plastic plug to go into the earphone jack. Just to warn you, the stylus sucks, but the plastic plug causes the 7022 not to output any sound from the built-in speaker with or without the mini HDMI plugged in. Was going to return the styli but because of this useful feature, I am keeping them. Just wanted to share since it solved the problem without having to ruin a set of earphones. I still want to try metering the plastic plug to make sure it isn't conducting any electricity (by checking for continuity with a mutlimeter) so will have to get back to you guys on that. Don't want to be shorting out the earphone section and causing damage to the tablet.
Accidentally found a resolution to the volume outputing from the unit while using the mini HDMI out. I had bought this cheap pair of Mercury brand styli that are meant for the iPhone. They have a collapsable metal pen with a cheap foam tip and tethered to a plastic plug to go into the earphone jack. Just to warn you, the stylus sucks, but the plastic plug causes the 7022 not to output any sound from the built-in speaker with or without the mini HDMI plugged in. Was going to return the styli but because of this useful feature, I am keeping them. Just wanted to share since it solved the problem without having to ruin a set of earphones. I still want to try metering the plastic plug to make sure it isn't conducting any electricity (by checking for continuity with a mutlimeter) so will have to get back to you guys on that. Don't want to be shorting out the earphone section and causing damage to the tablet.

Just metered the plastic plug and it doesn't read any continuity meaning that it doesn't conduct. This is great since I can use this without worry to keep the sound from coming out of the internal speaker while playing the video through the mini HDMI out.