So long story short
Model i think is this : Coby 9742-8
Tried to install googleplay via Livesuite (didnt back up i know) and fixed all modules with touch etc but my wifi doesnt work and i dont know what to do im trying everything I installed Terminal and did the adb set up and i guess i installed recovery i ran this command on CMD on my computer
Adb Shell
root@android:/ # echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1
conv=sync; sync; reboot
and it takes me to CWM-Based Recovery v6.0.2.8 9742 by Vampirefo
but i cant navigate the CWM menu i tried clicking the VOL+ and VOL- and back button but it doesnt move at all i tried reinstalling it with the automated "root utility" but same thing does not navigate is there a hidden command i have to do or is there another recovery i have to install? and if so how im just lost and i want to reinstall a different rom hopefully with the wifi working
Also im not the best at this is my first attempt at trying this so if you can bare with me and help me out id appreciate it!
Heres the recovery menu im looking at but i cant go down or anything :

Model i think is this : Coby 9742-8
Tried to install googleplay via Livesuite (didnt back up i know) and fixed all modules with touch etc but my wifi doesnt work and i dont know what to do im trying everything I installed Terminal and did the adb set up and i guess i installed recovery i ran this command on CMD on my computer
Adb Shell
root@android:/ # echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1
conv=sync; sync; reboot
and it takes me to CWM-Based Recovery v6.0.2.8 9742 by Vampirefo
but i cant navigate the CWM menu i tried clicking the VOL+ and VOL- and back button but it doesnt move at all i tried reinstalling it with the automated "root utility" but same thing does not navigate is there a hidden command i have to do or is there another recovery i have to install? and if so how im just lost and i want to reinstall a different rom hopefully with the wifi working
Also im not the best at this is my first attempt at trying this so if you can bare with me and help me out id appreciate it!
Heres the recovery menu im looking at but i cant go down or anything :

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