Coby kyros 7127 or 7022

Really? I didn't know this, do we know if Coby is working on a firmware update to remedy this situation?
Hey guys, new to the forum. Just returned a Vizio tablet after realizing that its not very portable. I couldnt get it into my pocket no matter how hard I tried, then I realized I needed to go to a smaller one. Id been researching tablets for a couple months now and after 2 Nook tablets, 1 nook color, and the Vizio I decided Id give the Coby Kyros's a shot. After a few hours of research I narrowed the MANY kyros's down to the 7022 and 7127. Both were very good prices on Amazon. The 7022 started at $166.99, and the 7127 at $158.13. Well since there only a few bucks apart it came down to features. I decided to go with the 7127 for a few reasons. The main reason was the button configuration. Ive gotten very used to having buttons at the bottom of the display, and the other reason was the battery size. I think the 7022 is 3400mah, and the 7127 is 4000mah.

So anyway I got what I think was an awesome deal. $188.14 for overnight shipping at Amazon. So Im looking forward to rooting it, installing Amazon and Android marketplaces, and maybe a custom rom if they start making any that are stable. Anyway thats it, I think Ill go back to being lost in Skyrim.
I believe you're right on the battery, that is a pretty sweet deal on a MID7127, as you can see from my signature I am a fan of this device as well. Haven't got one yet, but hoping hubby will quit changing his mind and get the MID1125. I agree with you on the button configuration being better on the 7127, then the 7022, that and the battery sizes were my key deciding factors too. I am glad you joined us, welcome to the board Gam3r_4_Life! Nice to have you with us. :D
Thanks for the welcome. Just after I ordered that, and then checked my email I got an email from CNET cheapskate that emails people great deals on devices and electronics. So I check out the deal, and read about it, and at the bottom theres a bonus deal for the HTC EVO 4G tablet for only $230 shipped. Well as you can see from my sig I have an EVO 3D, and love HTC products so I was instantly hit with buyers remorse, and if I would have seen that earlier I probably would have scrounged enough cash together to get it. Unfortunately I only have a prepaid debit card and if I canceled the amazon order it would take a day or two to get the money back on my card, and the EVO deal only lasts for another 11 hours. So Im really hoping now that the Coby is as good as I think it is. Anyway just thought Id share just how impulsive I am. LOL
i'm not crazy about the gaming performance on the 7127. i rooted mine, but doubt if that makes a difference. angry birds seems ok. office jerk stays at the loading screen. stair dismount is choppy. doodle jump is unplayable. bad gyroscope or accelerometer i guess. can anyone confirm this with these games? i'd just like to make sure it's not a defective 7127 and everyone else experiences the same.
hello, can someone please help me? i just purchased the coby 7127 and wanted to root it for the google market and etc, but i'm having problems finding the files required (recovery.img) and any others that i would need. i watched a video on youtube that referenced this forum as have the files that i need to download, can someone tell me where to get these?

thank you
No one needs rooting to install Android Market, just install the correct apks in the correct order. Look for tutorials about it for 7127/8125/1125, they should work for you as well.
I think the 7022 is 3400mah, and the 7127 is 4000mah.

Wish I had known those specs before I bought my 7022. I think I'll go ahead and see if I can find a bigger aftermarket battery and upgrade mine. Battery life is fair, but one time the unit was dead by the time I got home after work at six pm with only light usage during the day (reading an e-book on the lunch hour). Since it's been cold during the days it's usually hovering around 40% under the same conditions now.
Wish I had known those specs before I bought my 7022. I think I'll go ahead and see if I can find a bigger aftermarket battery and upgrade mine. Battery life is fair, but one time the unit was dead by the time I got home after work at six pm with only light usage during the day (reading an e-book on the lunch hour). Since it's been cold during the days it's usually hovering around 40% under the same conditions now.

Replacing the battery is most likely going to require soldering skills, this isn't like a cellphone where it just pops out unfortunately.
If you do replace the battery, please do a how to post. I would love to get a bigger battery.

Sent from my Kyros MID7022 8K using Tapatalk
Having done this to my Palm (GREATLY improved longevity), it's not really that tough, if it's the same setup. The battery in the Palm had 2-3" long wires, so it was clip it halfway up the wires and solder without worry of heat damage to the unit.
HI y'all, first the 7127 after much lurking here and researching both tablets. Mostly good reviews on Amazon, and decided on it over the Fire since Ereading and buying Ebooks is at the bottom of my list of uses. Anyway, I am getting much better battery standby after installing Juice Defender plus, and a data control widget that finally disabled the phone/cell standby usage. I rooted it and still wasn't able to delete the phone or telephony files or change the names, and it got very mad at me for trying, but this worked. The only bad part is now I'm getting the constant wake ups again since I disabled Wifi lock so it wouldn't interfere with JD+. (Anyone else hear the audible click when it goes on and off?? LOL)I also wish it would charge off the USB with an adapter...I have several adapter plugs and was surprised when I plugged it in that way and it did nothing. I'd like to have a charger at home and work and not have to carry that as well.
The only way to avoid the wakening problem is turning WiFi on all the time (set "WiFi sleep policy" to never).

You can't charge via USB but you can get a cable that converts power from USB to the dc input, check the Coby Gen 2 Acessories thread about it. It mentions a 7022 but should work for 7127 as well since it also has a 5V input dc (just make sure the power supply can provide the minimum number of amperes needed).