Guys, I just want to start of apologizing for what might seem at first a stupid thread.
Basically I have a good knowledge of computers but very poor android. I wanted to add googleplay to my tablet and using the livesuite method as you probably guessed already i managed to brick my tablet
(well done me!!!) When turning on it just dies after the android logo. I have tired re doing it a few times but still no luck. I have also tried the hardware reset but that doesn't do anything either.
I'm running windows 8 but i have access to a windows xp computer if that helps?
It wouldn't be such a problem but its actually a xmas present for my family and all I actually wanted to do was just install a few extra games and apps and Im stuck in this mess!
All I want to know is can it be fixed and how? Im happy to go back to original state with no playstore but i just want it working again! Ive been reading up on the forums and I just cant get my head round it all. I keep seeing is abbreviations such as ADB, CWM. I know what CWM stands for and i downloaded the 9742 recovery files for CWM from Vampirefo. But would someone please just help me and tell me how I can get it working again if possible.
If someone can provide a simple step my step instructions to get it working i can ensure you i will make it worth your time with a donation.
Feel free to tell me i'm stupid and should have read more into it because I know I should have but I just want it working otherwise its a very expensive paper weight.
Thank you for time reading this and like I said I really hope it can be fixed.
Basically I have a good knowledge of computers but very poor android. I wanted to add googleplay to my tablet and using the livesuite method as you probably guessed already i managed to brick my tablet
I'm running windows 8 but i have access to a windows xp computer if that helps?
It wouldn't be such a problem but its actually a xmas present for my family and all I actually wanted to do was just install a few extra games and apps and Im stuck in this mess!
All I want to know is can it be fixed and how? Im happy to go back to original state with no playstore but i just want it working again! Ive been reading up on the forums and I just cant get my head round it all. I keep seeing is abbreviations such as ADB, CWM. I know what CWM stands for and i downloaded the 9742 recovery files for CWM from Vampirefo. But would someone please just help me and tell me how I can get it working again if possible.
If someone can provide a simple step my step instructions to get it working i can ensure you i will make it worth your time with a donation.
Feel free to tell me i'm stupid and should have read more into it because I know I should have but I just want it working otherwise its a very expensive paper weight.
Thank you for time reading this and like I said I really hope it can be fixed.