Coby Kyros MID7015

I love my Coby. No issues with the touch screen. For the price this is very, very good. However, I am being told that most people got theirs for ~150 on Black Friday...what a steal. While the IPAD and Galaxy are good only for their 3G capabilities, the COBY is great!
Well obviously the screen won't be perfect but you get what you pay for. I find it to be the best I can find for the price if $120-$160... And I've been researching many products for like a week now... I like to know the good, as well as the bad, before I buy a new electronic. I'm still sold on this and I can't wait to order and get it home. ^___^

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For the price, the Kyros is a good buy, but the touchscreen/keyboard respomse is horrendous.
There have been many times I've wanted to throw the thing against a wall from the frustration of the screen interaction. Yes I would recommend it since it does a lot for the price -- e-reader, movie player, some games -- but as a web surfing device, it's a test of human patience...

Just my honest 2cents.

I have to disagree. I find the screen very responsive and it's a lot nicer to type on than my iPod Touch. I've had no problems at all.
And let's not even talk about the *profanity deleted* keyboard response...

I guess this guy isn't very good at reading. There is a thread further down about the stock keyboard and better keyboard apps to use. Personally I think the keyboard response on the Kyros is fantastic, I expected it to be wayy worse. The large screen size helps too, it's tough to press tiny buttons quickly.

Oh and it IS possible to calibrate not only your screen but your keyboard as well... just saying.

Here you go Joey! :)

Virtual Keyboard Issues- How to Set Up a New Keyboard After Install

Keyboard Sometimes Freezes- This issue occurs when several keyboard options are on, turning them off fixes this. Also several users talk about various keyboard apps they prefer over the stock keyboard.
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I'm with the majority here. I love my Kyros. I do have to admit, reading this forum first helped me get it working the way I wanted.

Sent from my MID7015
ADW Launcher EX is awesome. I tried Launcher Pro too but ADW is tons better:

I guess this guy isn't very good at reading. Personally I think the keyboard response on the Kyros is fantastic, I expected it to be wayy worse. The large screen size helps too, it's tough to press tiny buttons quickly.

No need to be impolite...
Your opinion is that the keyboard application is fantastic, while i don't think it is - that's all. You have an opinion and I have another, sorry my opinion doesn't agree with yours. As for the size of the screen making it tough to press buttons, I also have to disagree with you since my iphone's screen is a lot smaller than my Kyros and I've absolutely no problems using its keyboard app.
Wasn't being impolite. I have no problems with anyone having an opinion. Was just stating that maybe you should have done a little reading or searching which no one ever seems to do on a forum... it gets old repeating yourself 244677876532 times; hence the links.

Sent from my MID7015A
Even with the different keyboards from the app the response is mediocre at best, again just my opinion. That's why I have switched to a 7"keyboard case from ebay and it was the best thing I could had done.

If I had not done so, the tablet would had been on craigslist long ago...

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hi, what about the apps that you downloaded on it? it is ok? you downloaded various apps that run ok?
Even with the different keyboards from the app the response is mediocre at best, again just my opinion. That's why I have switched to a 7"keyboard case from ebay and it was the best thing I could had done.

Think there's any chance you just got a dud? You seem to be the only person saying they're having big issues with the screen. Everyone else seems to think it's great.

Oh, and BTW, those looking to buy, Amazon has it for around $140 right now. I'm thinking of going for it after reading this thread. I just want a nice, cheap, useful tab. Was going to get the Galaxy Tab, but it's too darn expensive. Was also looking at the ViewSonic gTab, but I haven't been able to find a great deal on it recently... think I'm probably going to go with this one. yup. Coby Kyros MID7015 7-Inch Android Internet Touchscreen Tablet - Black: Computer & Accessories
Its a really nice tablet. It is responsive, and cheap in price. If all u want to do is browse the web without turning on a computer,(like me) then this is perfect 4 u. It is a nice web browser, movie and music player, and has many more options. And it also has the awesome Android OS so that makes it alot better. I hope you get this tablet, it is a nice choice for the price, and you do not need to pay for 3G monthly, which i see as a waste when it has wi-fi