Coby(Mediox) mid9742 Russian problem


Sep 26, 2012
Hi all, i think not all of you think thats only bears and vodka are in russia, dudes need yours help.
Ill by in russia mediox mid9742 (it's Kyros Coby), in russia this model have 16gb this is all that different,
so my trouble in camera after making root by coby_kyros_4.0.3.img update camera stop working and write thats my tablet cant connect to it
P.S. (pleas if doesnt hard simple english)
I'm willing to bet that you didn't back up the original firmware before installing the ROM you chose. If you did, then that is good. If you didn't, you don't have many options as there aren't that many custom ROMs for the 9742. You might want to check the thread and see if someone there has the same issue. I won't be able to help much in that regard as I didn't install a custom ROM but simply customized the stock ROM.

Russian translation, via Google Translate