Coby MID7060-16

Hi tpaine. Thanks for your reply. I actually got it to work. It boots android and i can manage pass the initial screens for language, name, region etc using the touch screen.
However after a few seconds working the touch screen stops working. It completely freezes and only after a reset i can get it to work during a few seconds after it freezes again... Any ideas?

You could restore the TWRP recovery image posted by revoltpt. Then do a system dump. This will allow you to copy the files you need.
What kernel are you using? you might need the 7065 kernel, would be nice if someone uploaded a 7060 dump before they flashed the 7065 rom, Coby has in the pasted used different hardware on the same models, meaning even though you have a 7060 it could be different than revoltpt's. also have you done a factory reset? if not do so.
Please can some make a instruction with links to files , how i boot from ext sd card
my tablet mid 7060 loop at android start ( and with stock Recovery) , the factory reset dont work

it beginn after try flash recovery.img to table
i try uImage at ext sd card but i only see corby screen
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Please can some make a instruction with links to files , how i boot from ext sd card
my tablet mid 7060 loop at android start ( and with stock Recovery) , the factory reset dont work

it beginn after try flash recovery.img to table
i try uImage at ext sd card but i only see corby screen

Place your original recovery.img in root directory of ext-sd card. Rename this file to uImage. With tablet off, hold vol+ and power.

This should boot to your original recovery.

>>>>>>>>>>> correction 11-26 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You should rename the file you want to boot uImage_recovery.
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i test recovery from 7065 twrp and vampir 8065 7033, but all i get coby screen and restart or stock recovery
maybe someone has another idea how i get ext sd card boot
or vampirefo is there some different between recovery 7065 16gb or 8gb version ? because my 7060 is a 8gb
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What kernel are you using? you might need the 7065 kernel, would be nice if someone uploaded a 7060 dump before they flashed the 7065 rom, Coby has in the pasted used different hardware on the same models, meaning even though you have a 7060 it could be different than revoltpt's. also have you done a factory reset? if not do so.

As usual, you have hit the big point- there is not yet a system dump for the 7060. Did you save the files you used to test the 7060 system on the 7065 ? That seems like a partial system at least.
Please can some make a instruction with links to files , how i boot from ext sd card
my tablet mid 7060 loop at android start ( and with stock Recovery) , the factory reset dont work

it beginn after try flash recovery.img to table
i try uImage at ext sd card but i only see corby screen

Instructions have been posted several times, also the factory reset was meant for Diogo, not you as you were never in the conversation, I have no ideal what you are doing, or what you have done, you need to post what you have done to your tablet. Hopefully you have made a backup.
Hi to all. I have a coby mid7060, I already root it with Z4ROOT, I want to install firmware of the 7065 witch I already downloaded. I read the instructions but I can´t install the cwm recovery. Any help will be great. Thank´s
Hi to all. I have a coby mid7060, I already root it with Z4ROOT, I want to install firmware of the 7065 witch I already downloaded. I read the instructions but I can´t install the cwm recovery. Any help will be great. Thank´s

You are not suppose to install 7065 recovery. Just boot from the recovery from sdcard.
Or install 7065 fake recovery, and using it to install from.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone
Vampirefo, I put the file in sdcard and I reboot to stock recovery, next I go to aplly update from sdcard and chose It says Install/sdcard but after a few seconds says finding update... opening update... ferifying update... E: signature verification failed.... installation aborted. What I´m I doing wrong.
You aren't following instructions, until you do so you won't be installing any Roms.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Android Phone
I did it. I formatted sd-card FAT-32 and 32KB, put uImage_recover file in root sd-card and press bottons, after that I enter in WTRP recovery. I install 7065 rom and is working great. Only wireless not working like vampirefo said. I read that is need to change two files but I don´t know. vampirefo can you help me.
Hello Everyone.
After a few months away i am back on this struggle.
Using vampirefo instructions i was able to root my 7060 into a 7065. I have installed also the stock 7065 rooted rom posted by vampirefo.
Boot is fairly quick and the touch work without any problem.
However i have detected two issues and i'm afraid i need a little help.
1) As it was said by previous users on this forum the WIFI does not work. I used revoltpt's backup and got the files dhd.ko from system/lib and nvram.txt from system/etc/wifi/40183/ and copy/paste with root browser using SU privileges to my tablet running stock 7065 rooted rom.
After a reboot wifi does not work. On WIFI advanced settings it states that MAC address in unavailable. This points to either the physical WIFI board is broken or the software does not have the driver for it.
2) When display is on suspension state, on this tablet one has to press and release the power button to take it out of suspension. This works ok if the time that the tablet is on suspension is a few minutes (don't know exactly how long), but if it's on suspension for a long time, let's say, an hour i cannot take it out of suspension by pressing and release the power button. In fact only a reset can bring again the tablet to work.

I will continue to investigate this issues, but in the meantime, any ideas, toughs, suggestions would be very appreciated.
To anyone that had the same problem as Diogo (the first):

I think the problem maybe the files "nvram.txt" and "dhd.ko" droped in incorrect folders. Make sure that you drop the first one in "/system/etc/wifi/40183/" and second one in "/system/lib/"

Many thanks to vampirefo and mdgomes and all other who posted here. You have helped a lot and now I have a good and fast tablet.

Attached are the correct files extracted from Stock ROM of Coby Kyros mid7060.
I will upload the entire backup of Stock ROM Mid7060 if anybody need it.


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