Completely Dead???


Jun 27, 2012
This is a VIA WM 8650 7'' Tablet PC Android 2.2 Camera WIFI 3G Flash 10.1 MID epad. It does not turn on or charge. When I plug in the charger, the light does not come on. When I push the power on button, there is nothing. What do you think is the problem? Is it dead and ready for the trash bin?
It sounds like it's either not being charged or accepting a charge. Use a multimeter to see if your charger is actually working. I had a similar issue and found that my daughter had dropped it while the charger was plugged in and it broke the charging jack off the circuit board. I was unable to resolder the ground terminal to the board, so ran a jumper wire to the negative terminal on the battery and it has worked fine for months now.
It looks like the charger is dead. No DC voltage out. I bought this from about 6 months ago and it's supposed to be guaranteed for a year. I sent a email to about a possible replacement charger.