Converted Apple user


Mar 19, 2013
Hi all, I am very new to Android I have been using apple for a few years now and decided to buy the kids tablets for Christmas, I walked into a tablet shop and there was a rep from Google who sold me on the Nexus 7 was better than Apple idea. So I bought 4 of them. So far I haven't really got into using android I just let the kids sort it out, I picked up a momo 11 tablet not working which brought me here, But now I am here I hope to find some interesting things out about android.
Welcome to the forum, glad you found us. I hope you do get "into" Android (because the Google guy was right;)) and I also hope you find an answer for your Momo issues.
Hello keiguwinu,

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.

To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.

If you have any questions specific to those tablets, the places to go would be the:

Nexus 7 forum for the Nexus 7, or the
Ployer Momo Tablets
forum for the Momo 11

Enjoy your tablets and the forum!
Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will find thing to both love and hate about Android coming from idevices. Over all though most people who are exposed to the openness of Android have a hard time going back to Apple unless they have a specific use case (app, service, etc.) that they can only get from Apple. As a hobby tablet you will find Android quite fun for tinkering.
Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will find thing to both love and hate about Android coming from idevices. Over all though most people who are exposed to the openness of Android have a hard time going back to Apple unless they have a specific use case (app, service, etc.) that they can only get from Apple. As a hobby tablet you will find Android quite fun for tinkering.

Boy is that the truth. My first Android tablet, I don't think I ever did get around to doing anything useful, but I spent countless enjoyable hours just tinkering. I lost sleep, was less productive at work and my personnal relationships suffered.....those were good times ;-)

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1