Creative ZiiO 7

No it is't possible. I can use bluetooth only for audio device connection, maybe video too.
After that I've tried to connect using tethering on my Nokia mobile & JoikuSpot. But my ZiiO cannot find JoikuSpot. I have an answer from Joiku support - JoikuSpot (Symbian - Nokia) uses adhoc type of network, and Android devices are not able to connect to this type. So I have reduced possibilities of connection outside of home :(
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Dropping a couple more videos:

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I love my Ziio 7 inch. My other tablet is an Ipad and I don't have any problem with the responsiveness of the Ziio screen. I have had touchscreen phones which I have abandoned in frustration but this screen reacts just fine. I really wish I could use my phone to surf the net via bluetooth and wish so much that it could acess Market to get software to work with my public library. It works great with for books and with several paid bookstores as well so it is quite good. I love this device and take it many places as it is much more portable that my Ipad.
Bluetooth issue. When I try to pair with my sprint Epic 4G, the Ziio7 keeps saying "pair but not connected". has anybody come across this issue?
my Epic 4G is on gingerbread 2.3, and able to connect and pair to other phone. my Ziio7 is on froyo 2.2.

u can use "Bluetooth file manager".
this can help u.
in this app your discoverable time out is 300 sec .

Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP and OPP) for Android
Use your smartphone to browse, explore and manage files of any Bluetooth ready device, using File Transfer Profile (FTP) and Object Push Profile (OPP): you can also receive files and send contacts!
GUIDE> (by Absolutely Android)
* Custom security manager for incoming BT connections: only authorized devices can connect, if you accept. If you refuse, no access is granted on your servers: personal data files and privacy are safe against hacker, nerd, geek and guru (enanched Bluetooth server security is disabled by default)
* 3rd party applications can open (or pick) files from sdcard using this package like attachment, music, pictures or any multimedia file (no external intents are supported for performance purpose)
* Support for legacy 2.0 and AES (128, 192 and 256 bit) encryption (both pack and unpack) of Zip files (like WinZIP or WinRAR) - keep private document secure using a long pass to protect it
* Enhanced all-in-one app with the fastest file browser ever seen (you can verify by yourself, test it now)
* Professional, clean and fast UI where you can customize any aspect of the file viewer. Customizable user interface in order to best fit your needs (expert only)
* Thumbnails for APK, audio, video, image (also inside archive files: Zip, GZip, TAR) - thumb picture (miniature) not stored on cell phone memory
* It can connect to new and old cellphone: nokia, samsung, lg, sony (Android does not support infrared IR pan)
* Search files also inside Zip, GZ, Tar (advanced searching inside archive can take double time to complete)
* Improved contact send function in order to manipulate telephone numbers on generated VCARD (vcf) files
* Cut, copy, move, paste, delete multiple items using the integrated explorer of this application
* You can full unhide (or hide) hidden media (both smartphone and sd memory)
* OBEX layer (obexftp and obexopp) entirely developed by Medieval Software
* Compress, uncompress and extract Zip (encrypt with password), GZip, Tar
* Cleaner program settings view using shortcut icons pane
* Sharing: you can share a single file or an entire path
* Powerful bookmark feature with precise sorting
* Contact send screen supports contacts groups
* Test and check archive integrity (deflate)
* Desktop folders shortcuts
* Calculate MD5 and CRC32
* Power saving management
* Streaming service
* No root required
* Multi language
* Multiselect
* Home folder
* File sort
* Open as
Freeware with AD (free software) - You can now remove advertising from this application by purchasing "Medieval Licensing System" on the Android Market!
NOTE - SDPD (uuid port route) may not work on Android 1.5 and 1.6 so friend services could not reach you!
FAQ> Why "Bluetooth File Transfer" requires the contact read permissions?
A. In order to send your contacts over Bluetooth, if you wish, for example to your car-kit or to another smartphone. Open main menu, select Send contacts item, put a check beside the contacts you would like to send and finally press Send button.

What's in this version:
You can now remove advertising from this application by purchasing "Medieval Licensing System" on the Android Market!

source : Bluetooth File Transfer v4.90


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My ZiiO7 screen crack. Very difficult to find spare LCD screen to replace it.
not sure if anyone can recommend some place to buy a replacement LCD.