Cruz t103 what apps work?


Nov 22, 2011
my Big lots has these for $89 starting Sunday and I am wondering if they will run angry birds, netflix, kindle, pdfs and nook apps? Any of them? Can you get to Amazon market to download those apps from the t103?
Thanks for any info on this tablet
I am looking to buy 2 or 3 tablets for myself and my sons for Christmas.
I got a T103 refurbished from Walmart. It came with Android 2.2 installed, and I have since added Amazon Marketplace, Kindle, and several PDF apps. The Amazon Marketplace app I got from the Cruz marketplace (if I remember correctly), and the Kindle app downloaded normally from Amazon Marketplace.

I had issues installing Adobe Reader, Repligo Reader, and EZPDF. I downloaded each one from Amazon Marketplace, and none of them installed directly from the download. I then manually put the Repligo Reader APK file on my SD card and it installed fine from there. I am so happy with Repligo that I haven't even tried to get Adobe and EZPDF to work, but they might also be able to install when you manually put them on the SD card, as detailed in the Cruz T103 guide on Velocity Micro's website. If you want to try before you buy you can download an APK file from "" so you don't have to buy the app if it doesn't work.

I also installed MobilePDFviewer, which works better than the T103 native file system, but Repligo is much much better. MobilePDFviewer installed correctly straight from the download.

I am loving my T103 so far, such a steal at $75 and it saves me lots of cash on textbooks...
anoNY do you have any games working on it?
Biglots has it for $89 new starting Sunday.
I have a T103 and can tell you that it won't run Angry Birds or Netflix. It will run the Kindle app and there are pdf readers that work too. But due to the processor (slow speed and MIPS architecture) it doesn't run everything. That being said, for an under $100 tablet, it's not bad.

As far as games, there are many that work, but most of the graphics intensive ones like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja, etc., do not. I do have Jewels, Bonsai Blast, Astraware Casino, and a bunch of others that work fine though.

It's not an iPad and so long as your expectations aren't that it is, then it's a fun little tablet.
It came with 2.2 installed???? Is that because it was refurbished? I bought mine last year in the local Borders store before it closed and it came with only 2.0 and cost me $250! Pretty please tell me how/where I can get it upgraded to 2.2 so I can use some of the other apps that are out there (like the nook app which only runs on 2.1 or higher). Thanks!!!
The process of upgrading the Cruz T103 is pretty simple. It will take more time to understand the directions than it takes to actually update it. Depending on your system, all you have to do is download the update file to your SD card using the computer and make sure your computer does not give the file a new name. If the computer does, change it back to update. Also, do not unzip the file or place it in a folder. Once on the SD card, place the card in your device and then Reset the device using a thumb tack or paperclip to restart the device. NEXT- Release the reset button and immediately press and hold the volume up button (Vol+). Keep holding until you see the Cruz logo appear on the screen. If the update worked, you will see a black screen with yellow and or green font installing the update. If you don't see the previous screen and you see "Cruz" followed by "Android" first, then the update not done correctly. Then go to STEP 3-A. See full directions with the link below.

Selected Topic
Some of the apps that have worked for us are (keep in mind these are being used by 7-9 year olds):

Overdrive Media Console (for library books)
Magic Doodle
Free Princess Memory Game
Bust A Move
Farm Frenzy
Paper toss
Magic Doodle
Falling Ball
Bubble Turtle
Spray Painter
Finger Dance
Funny Jump
Tic Tac toe
Do not press the red button
Little Piano
Kid Mode
Kids Match-em
my Big lots has these for $89 starting Sunday and I am wondering if they will run angry birds, netflix, kindle, pdfs and nook apps? Any of them? Can you get to Amazon market to download those apps from the t103?
Thanks for any info on this tablet
I am looking to buy 2 or 3 tablets for myself and my sons for Christmas.

Hello, I have a CuzT408 and I have found severall different markets to get app. I have all of the apps you named and they work just fine on the Cruz tablet. Feel free to hit me back if you want the links to the other markets or just the actual apps themselves. Unfoetunately, the android market doesn't have all tablets listed that they recognize. I hope Ican help! Email me@ TheRealMznetwiz@Gmail.Com