CWM development

FWIW - For What Its Worth
7734 -- What? Youve NEVER typed 7734 into a calculator and turned it upside-down? Okay, so its the 'old way'...

'The Player'? Not sure what you're talking about... but Ive been using the Video Player that is in Strag's install... seems to work great for me with DIVXes.
(Actually they are quite smooth... much better than I would have expected on 256MB (oops!) of RAM)

Ok, I gotcha... lol.... the embedded video player from the 4--- something ROM. I have the .APK file, but it will not install on anything but a flytouch/superpad. :( On my new tab, I have to use the mono player from the market. Its ok, but does not decode automatically.

sent from my Brilliant Corners with Clemsyn Kernal Gtablet using Tapatalk
It didn't work on the ican with your files alone so I redid it like we did for the sylvania and now it works. Even touch screen. Haven't tried wifi or any thing else yet since I'm at work. But its at the point where I can say I will release our rom on the ican and sylvania tabs as soon as bugs and updates are fixed.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Tablet Forum
Due to down for maintenance I can't do patches. So I share the archive with the needed files.
Some instructions.
I did this in ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.
sudo bash
Add string
"deb maverick partner"
into /etc/apt/sources.list.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
sudo bash
apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev  libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev  zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush schedtool g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline5-dev gcc-4.3-multilib g++-4.3-multilib
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/cyanogen
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
cd ~/cyanogen
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
repo sync -j16
Get files from here. Put them on the source tree or read them and do patch manually. Go in frameworks/base/core/jni. Edit file android_net_wifi_Wifi.cpp. Search
static jboolean android_net_hotspot_loadDriver(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz)
return (jboolean)(::hotspot_load_driver() == 0);
return false;
static jboolean android_net_hotspot_unloadDriver(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz)
return (jboolean)(::hotspot_unload_driver() == 0);
return false;

cd ~/cyanogen
. build/
lunch cyanogen_flytouch2-eng
make -j16
In this version I added wifi support for example. Kernel can be obtained from previous archive. Modifications, additions and corrections are welcome.

If you have tablet with iNAND (visible as sdcard into system) then you may do patches into init.flytouch2.rc and vold.fstab due to needed filesystem mounts. Use latest kernel from tablet or build it from sources. And replace galcore.ko, permfd.ko (if exist), ra2070sta.ko and inshal (need patch) from your tablet (needed modules are compatible with the kernel).
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It didn't work on the ican with your files alone so I redid it like we did for the sylvania and now it works.
Haven't tried wifi or any thing else yet since I'm at work.
FWIW, the WiFi and cabled ethernet both worked well on it. Just don't let power get too low.

I never could get either a full charge or the charge light to go off, after ugrading to 1568 or later.

Glad it acts like a Sylvania for you...
Ill give it a try on the ican I got the driver to half load already I think that patch will do the rest.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Tablet Forum
FWIW, the WiFi and cabled ethernet both worked well on it. Just don't let power get too low.<br>
I never could get either a full charge or the charge light to go off, after ugrading to 1568 or later.<br>
Glad it acts like a Sylvania for you...
<br><br>Okay I didnt leave it on eclaire/froyo for very long. I did&nbsp;notice&nbsp;the power drains tho. Wasnt sure if it was due to me not porting the proper power configs yet. It also seems that the sd is only reliable for one flash then it has to be cleared and the files recopied. Not sure if thats infotmics fault or the card/imgs.
The ican uses a firmware file, binary, and settings file along with the default wifi system.
Ok I understand. We talk about wifi.

And? rt2070sta.ko uses default files on paths into /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA.dat and /etc/firmware/rt2870.bin. These files are associated with a kernel module not with android. All needed files included into patch.

Settings for wpa_supplicant extremely simple. Included in archive too.

Will we hear what is not working exactly? And how? Give to us logs please.
Haven't rebuilt the tree with your patches yet. Ill let you know tho.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Tablet Forum
I recently found out that I had a copy of the 'unnumbered' U0 and I decided to load it AND tuzzz' recovery...

As I said many times, on my machine the recovery will not run under but would run with the (672) version.

It turns out that it will also run with the 'unnumbered' U0.

Unfortunately I cannot use that U0 as
1) Wifi does not work,
2) it claims that /local is /sdcard1 and the actual sdcard1 and sdcard2 do not show up...

So, it appears that there is SOMETHING about the version of that the recovery does not like.
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I installed the CWM recovery on my tablet. It seems to work well, except I still cannot figure out a way to format the internal "SD card" when I re-flash 2.2 on it. Anyone have any suggestions for that??
I believe it was not written to handle the FT3/SP2's internal TF which it would see as the /system, /data, etc...
AFAIK it is only set up to handle the individual 'parts' of the internal storage.

Now, as far as an EXTERNAL card is concerned, I believe that is found under 'advanced'...
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Have you gotten any further? It seems as though progress has slowed/stopped. Will there be a "new breed" of SuperPADs out with CM7 by summer 2012 (without pending zombie apocalypse, of course)?