CWM Online Recovery Builder

I was thinking that cause I was looking around the n7 Forums on XDA and read it would need flash_image. I did read over there that the terminal emulater works for them.
The command is

dd if=/sdcard/(your recovery name).img of =/de/block/mmcblk0p1

Would it be the same for us?

Here is script.


if busybox test ! -f /mnt/sdcard2/dual_boot/recovery.img; then
	echo no /mnt/sdcard2/dual_boot/recovery.img
	exit 1

cat /mnt/sdcard2/dual_boot/recovery.img > /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/SOS
sync; sync; sync

echo rebooting to recovery

sleep 2 

reboot recovery

to flash on the fly, use adb to push recovery, then

cat /sdcard2/recovery.img > /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/SOS

reboot recovery
I was just looking around on XDA Developeders and found this thread on how to build a cwm recovery.
Get your own CWM recovery for newer devices and dont beg anywhere - 2 simple steps - xda-developers
Have any of you seen this? I'm wondering if we can use it to build a touch version of cwm for us. I used our jb recovery.img and uploaded it but I'm not exactly sure what to do with all the files that it out out. I selected the touch recovery.
This is the file number and link to it if anyone wants to check it out on the site.


Here is a link to the recovery builder.
Recovery Builder

Let me know what you think. I'm not sure if I should try to flash the recovery.img or what.

The recovery builder site won't work with the A2109 as there's no way on the site to set the BOARD_HAS_NO_SELECT_BUTTON option to true. You have to build CWM manually.