Day 5 of 5 Days of Christmas (the last day)

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Recently spent alot of time looking into 10 inch tabets and got a zenithink 180, great product and with the help of members of this site really came out to be not just a homebrew device but something thats usuable all the time. thanks for all your help and keeping this forum going!

looking into an 8 inch now just for ease of carrying, the 10 is used for work and ebooks =D
I am a very happy Euogo customer and I highly recommend them I learned about Euogo through one of the earlier giveaways, by the way, so this kind of promotion works! Thanks again.
It's so great that places are willing to give away products to help grow the userbase.
Well, it's great what and does together! Thanks for that^^
Also I love it how fast the forum seems to grow and gains more and more quality with a higher daily user activity and more posts.

So let's take another chance to win a tablet...
Thanks for putting up the Tablet!! Angry Birds is a must lol
Consider this my contest entry. Have a Happy Holiday!!
It takes sincere acknowlegdement, gratitude, understanding and mostly kindness to offer such a generous gift most especially at this time of the year!
Cheers Euogo!
Yeah, thanks euogo! And thanks for throwing us a bone just in time for Christmas!
This looks like a great tablet and a great holiday contest. Thanks and for the cool content - somebody is going to have a great Christmas.
Thanks and I found this site to learn more about android tablets. Everyone I know has an iPad, but I love my HTC EVO android phone and would prefer an android tablet. Just need info to figure out which one.
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