details of the rooting process


Sep 22, 2012
I've been using Linux since it came on a zillion 3.5 inch floppys. So I thought I'd have no trouble navigating android and understanding the rooting process. I was wrong.

I understand what rooting does. It gives me superuser privileges. What's unclear is how the process works. With gobs of help by traveller1701 I rooted my Coby MID9742 tablet using these 3 commands.

adb push data /data/local/tmp/ > NUL
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/mempodroid > NUL
adb shell /data/local/tmp/mempodroid 0xd7cc 0xad27 sh /data/local/tmp/ > NUL

The first just transfers the data directory to to coby. yes?
The > NUL routes anything headed to stdout into /dev/null. yes?

Looking in the data directory I see files like Superuser.apk,, su, reboot-recovery, and mempodroid.
The second line makes the mempodroid readable, writable, & executable to everyone.
But what the heck does that 3rd line do? What is mempodroid?