DISCUSSION - Development Index and Root Utility

Coby had a bad habit of changing the internal hardware at the drop of a hat, usually when they ran out of a component from their supplier. Unfortunately, this means that what works for one device may not work for another. In the case of your 9740, assuming that the drivers are correctly installed it's sufficiently different from what the root utility expects that the root utility won't work on your device.

Since I don't have one of these devices I can't correct it, but all is not lost. Check out the other rooting methods in the forums. One of those is bound to work for you.


I can't guarantee it will work for you and your particular hardware/build combo., but I have had a fair amount of good luck when I run into stubborn root attempts on some tablets.

Again, I can't guarantee it, but I have used "SRS Root for Android"(which you can Google and find) to root/un-root devices I've wanted to dump. If it is successful, another particular thing I recommend doing right after, is have a way to update the "busybox"(stericson.busybox.apk) which you can get from a Google search as well. You can possibly use the SRS Root for Android to root/un-root the tablet. And the busybox APK can be installed/un-installed from the running tablet. I personally(usually) copy the APK to an external microSD card, or via the USB data cable connection,(copying the APK to the sdcard/download folder, and installing it from there) and installing/updating/un-installing busybox from there. It's worked for me, but again, it's up to you if you care to try. I can't guarantee you won't softbrick your device, but I haven't experienced any (personally) myself.
It's just another way you might attempt rooting your device.
If you are looking to just root/install gapps on your 9740, I believe Vampirefo has created installables/method for doing so. If you search for it, I think it was called... "9740_root_recovery" or "root_recovery_9740", etc. The main thing is, you thoroughly read/understand his method/s well, then do the upgrades.
If his code/methods help you in any way, please buy the man a coffee!(warm smilz) He puts A LOT of time and energy into allowing ALL of us to be able to get the MOST out of our stock COBY tablets. He helps when we accidentally brick/softbrick them as well.
Thanks, and hope my advice is helpful.(smilz)


Forgot to mention,

there are many others here too, who have (and continue) to make GREAT contributions so we can all tweak our tablets the way we see fit.
Hats off to them too. Thanks!
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I can confirm that SRS Root works on the 9742, as well as Kingo Root. Can't say on the 9740 though. Kingo Root automatically installs SuperSU also. Wish I was good enough to build a one-click general root utility for Linux.
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20120429 Google Apps package. From where can I get it. I found several packages on the net but they all vary in size from 6 mb to 46 mb. How to know which one to trust?
Hello. I was able to root my mid9742 using the CobyADB program and then install the CWM image as well. I did not think things were working properly so I used to the ADB tool to recover using the stock image instead of the CWM image. The software pushed the files and rebooted the machine, but now it will not boot past the COBY screen. I have tried many button combinations to get to recovery mode on the COBY, but cannot seem to activate it. Do you have any suggestions on how I might recover from my blunder?
Yes. I used the CobyADB program and ran the dump process. I have the four individual files as well as the zip file as called for in the instructions.
Restore your tablet using the instructions provided for restoring from the system dump, then try again.
Thanks for the reply. I cannot get the PC to connect to the tablet and visible to the ADB tool. I cannot get it to boot into recovery mode. When the tablet turns on it stays on the COBY splash screen and does not proceed to the android screen. I have been able to get the PC to see the tablet by repeatedly hitting the on button while holding the volume up, but it only sees it as an unknown device. When the tablet is in this mode the screen is blank. Thoughts?
It sounds as if the system was completely wiped. I hate to say it, but you might have to use Livesuit to recover this tablet. If that works, then I will recommend installing Clockworkmod and a copy of Mobiz modified with your tablet's hardware binaries.

Be prepared however for the possibility of needing a new tablet.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I was able to get Livesuit and drivers working on my pc to see the tablet. I do not know how to create a usable image for Livesuit to flash though. I have the 4 backup files from the tablet, but just bundled as an image file does not work. Have searched quite a bit to figure this out, but cannot seem to get a grasp of what I need to do or what Livesuit is looking for. Suggestions?
Try using these tools and see if you can create the image that way. However, download the files from here instead of from the thread. The OP in the linked thread hosted the files on 4shared, which requires registration.