Disgo 6000


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2011
Hi all

We have just been issued the Disgo 6000 tabs (2.2 os) for work.. Not the best tabs in the world but not to bad either. But my question is this???

1)Can they be rooted??? Tried z4root but needs usb debug but no options in application setup menus!!!

2)How can I activate usb debug without menu option??

3)Is there any custom roms

4)how do I get gps dongle working???? Works on all other tablets have used to date but not this one!!!

Hope to get an answer or two..



Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
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hi, yes it can be root, go to the sylvania forum where you would find useful info for it; the sylvania tab its the same thing of the disgoo 6000, they both have the same specs, looks, and maybe they are built at the same Chinese factory too, in the forum we have successful reports of disgoo tabs running the android os from the sylvania, so go check it out, its under other minor tablets folder, sylvania; by the way this tab has potential

Sent from my Sytabex7 Tablet using android forum
and I forgot to mention that a custom rom its building towards the 2 brand tablets,

Sent from my Sytabex7 Tablet using android forum
Thank you for such a quick reply...
now rooted!!!!! yippee

but how can I enable usb debugging(no option in applications like my phone or other tabs) also how can enable gps?(I use usb gps with other tabs)
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