Disgo 7000 hwver.....?


Feb 8, 2012
Evening all.... Just like to say fantastic site you have going here.

Okay so I've managed to brick my new Disgo 7000 tablet. It is stuck on the initial switch on screen with the three dancing androids.

I've taken the thing apart in search of an actual internal SDcard in hopes of cloning partitions from a working version and come to the conclusion that the internal storage it is built into the motherboard (Labelled P799ram ver3.0)

I have tried to do the recovery mode (Menu Back and Power) it goes through the process says recovery okay reboots and goes straight back to Dancing Androids no further.

Holding home and powering on comes up "Unexpected updater mode!" usb connections just come up as the two empty external drives (Udisk2 and sdcard1) but nothing is accessible even with card inserted no idea what this mode is or how to use it.

From what I have determined the thing will not connect using IUW using a USB cable have tried force installing OTG drivers on the Unknown Device that pops up when started when holding the menu button and causes BSOD every time on multiple computers running multiple versions of Windows.

So that leaves me with creating a sdcard boot disk. Using method of cloning starting sector with Winhex and formatting to FAT32 and copying update files to android folder results in system coming up saying burning new image then burning complete instantly not making any difference to the bootability of this thing.

I managed to get my hands on someone else's and hwver from /proc/cmdline comes up as which yields no results on the search screen. So downloading random firmwares now and burning to sdcard comes up that the Wrap is not intended for this product.

So now I'm stuck.... I'm in process of downloading Ubuntu into a virtual machine to test the ius repacking tools (no linux experience so could be fun) but I believe without a proper hwver number (or atleast the last three) I've got a thousand to one chance of getting the wrap to be recognised by the device and then hope that the image I'm guessing on installing may actually fix the thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
No one seems to be replying here......do you know equivalent sylvania modle for disgo 7000 ?

Evening all.... Just like to say fantastic site you have going here.

Okay so I've managed to brick my new Disgo 7000 tablet. It is stuck on the initial switch on screen with the three dancing androids.

I've taken the thing apart in search of an actual internal SDcard in hopes of cloning partitions from a working version and come to the conclusion that the internal storage it is built into the motherboard (Labelled P799ram ver3.0)

I have tried to do the recovery mode (Menu Back and Power) it goes through the process says recovery okay reboots and goes straight back to Dancing Androids no further.

Holding home and powering on comes up "Unexpected updater mode!" usb connections just come up as the two empty external drives (Udisk2 and sdcard1) but nothing is accessible even with card inserted no idea what this mode is or how to use it.

From what I have determined the thing will not connect using IUW using a USB cable have tried force installing OTG drivers on the Unknown Device that pops up when started when holding the menu button and causes BSOD every time on multiple computers running multiple versions of Windows.

So that leaves me with creating a sdcard boot disk. Using method of cloning starting sector with Winhex and formatting to FAT32 and copying update files to android folder results in system coming up saying burning new image then burning complete instantly not making any difference to the bootability of this thing.

I managed to get my hands on someone else's and hwver from /proc/cmdline comes up as which yields no results on the search screen. So downloading random firmwares now and burning to sdcard comes up that the Wrap is not intended for this product.

So now I'm stuck.... I'm in process of downloading Ubuntu into a virtual machine to test the ius repacking tools (no linux experience so could be fun) but I believe without a proper hwver number (or atleast the last three) I've got a thousand to one chance of getting the wrap to be recognised by the device and then hope that the image I'm guessing on installing may actually fix the thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you didn't manage to fix it. Holding "H button on side + Button below screen + Power" from power off (hold down power button 'till light goes out) will get you to the recovery which installs the stock 2.3 ROM. If it says something like 'press key combo to flash', just un-press and re-press the same 3 buttons.

No one seems to be replying here......do you know equivalent sylvania modle for disgo 7000 ?
I'd like to know this. But I've not been able to find one that looks the same (lots of cheap tablets with the same specs, but their software appears to be worse than the Digso's!)
Hi all, my disgo 7000 as just stopped working today and I found this forum on the net. I just want you all to know that I followed the instructions of holding the back button, home button and on/off button which then opened a window which told me to press buttons. So i pressed the same 3 buttons and then it started in recovery mode and this then fixed the problem. I have lost all my apps so i will have to download them again but thats no big deal. Why can't they tell you how to do this in the manual. Thanks for the help guys. Cheers.