Does anyone know how to repair MID701-R Mac address?

Sorry none of this has got you connected with your tablet. I don't know what tablet that is other than it's definitely not a Haipad. The speaker slot is wrong.

The only other thing I can think of it if you can spoof the MAC address - in which case it shouldn't matter what it *thinks* the MAC address is. You need the tablet to be rooted and have busybox on it though. Then either in ADB get to the shell or in Terminal Emulator on the tablet type "busybox ifconfig" which will tell you what the device ID is. It is probably "wlan0" but could also be "eth0" - depends on the firmware. Then try:

busybox ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00

Replace the address with whatever (like the address off one of your other devices that can successfully connect to your network). You can keep doing this and changing the address to try different ones out without having to reflash the firmware. The downside is it won't stick after a reboot, but if you find a number that connects you can flash your tablet with that number and see if it still connects. If it's a number from another device on your network you're generally not supposed to have two devices on the same network with the same MAC address as it can cause packets to get misrouted (this was a problem with the first Augen Gentouch78s that all shipped with the same MAC address so if you had two on the same network it caused connectivity problems), so if you end up trying numbers from other devices you have they should be disconnected while you're testing.
Finally I got it to work, wifi is now working and the fix to that is I got the correct firmware from the Chinese "Haipad" website, Now I'm using the 2.3.1 firmware, where can I get the latest Gingerbread version for this haipad tablet.
2.3.1 is the latest official Gingerbread.
MalaRom1.0.1 is the latest unofficial (2.3.3) Gingerbread (created by member "mala" - his rom is very good)
How do I go about flashing new firmware with FWDN when my device cannot boot up and I am not able to retrieve the Mac Adress for the device?

Haipad M701-R