Dropad A8/Haipad M7 - Samsung 7-in Cortex A8 Capacitive iPhone 4

is dropad the brand name, whos the manufacturer of these tablets? because presumably firmware updates will be important.
Usually it isn't the manufacturers themselves dishing out the firmware updates directly. It's kind of a mess actually to say who the manufacturers are... Anyways...

Haipad and Merimobiles are likely to supply firmware updates. According to this post on PadBBS, 深圳四意科技 (http://www.saayi.com/ Saayi) is the original.

Alibaba (might be a reseller): http://detail.china.alibaba.com/buyer/offerdetail/897156067.html

1150 per unit for 50> batches =175USD

Yes Merimobles makes a lot of money.
refering to my previos post above about alibaba. Tough not sure wether i'm allowed to post links to the sellers...

here you can find the 256mb version for 200$.

Wholesale 7 inch / 7" capacitive screen multi touch screen + WIFI + Android 2.2

I had a short chat with the seller on a different model (which i didn't buy at the end). I asked if the mid has a built-in camere as stated in the description. It turned out that the description was wrong. So at least he seems to be honest.
If you are not a seller yourself, feel free to post links so we can actually have a conversation.

Hm... Wasn't aware there was a 256MB variant..
Greetings Xaueious:

Thankyou very much for the information.
I was curious to know who the manufacture was.
Where in Canada are you from? I'm from Montreal.
Regards Robert
Greetings Cider101:
Yes I recieved an email from supplier on Aliexpress-Alibaba and he confirms that it is a 256mb ram memory.
I wanted to be sure, so this model with the 256mb is not the Dropad A8.
It is very difficult for me to go back to buy on Aliexpress after I lost money in a transaction.
Regards Robert
On second thought, I just got an email back from merimobiles.com. They say they will have theirs next week, which has more flash onboard and a higher resolution camera for not much more, so I'll probably go with that one, since the wait will be so short, though they did say chinese new year could delay shipping.
hmm..on a second thought, i'm wondering wether the description has been wrong again (as in a lot of cases on alibaba).... having done a little bit more research on that iphone-4ish looking mid, there is also a telechip based version which only has 256mb ram. This might be a telechip version, but haven't asked the seller about this.

i'm soory for this...what did happen ? item not as described or no item shipped at all ?
I've seen a lot of stolen pictures without watermarks. Sellers like to put the order page up before they get the first units. That way they can grab units from the factory based on people ordering from them. That's where the confusion lies.

The first batch is coming this week, or so I hear.
What's different?
Samsung S5PV210 vs Freescale iMX515, for starters...