Senior Member
- Jan 24, 2012
- 414
- 48
From my colleague lepanero at another Forum, comes this detailed post on how you could edit the Build.prop system configuration file to fool the Play Store into thinking you have a different device, and allowing more or different applications.
This method works, I have used it a lot with the LP 1. This mod is for the Le Pan 2 tablet with I.C.S. installed; you need Root access to be able to edit the build.prop file, which is on the /system directory.
It's a simple text file, but DO Be Careful, don't break things, have a backup copy handy before doing any changes.
Lepanero's post starts here :
** Edit : Obligatory disclaimer follows.
Beware that you CAN do damage to your phone/tablet/device if you use this information mindlessly.
As someone said in our irc channel, with careless use, you might brick your device, and be a Noob forever.
Just be careful and you will be fine. Respect is good. /disclaimer off.
yann2 **
If anyone wants to get these 3 awesome games: Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation, N.O.V.A 3 and Gangstar Rio: City of Saints at $1 dollar each, you need to root your tablet in order to install them. If you open those link you can see them on your brower, but if you go to your tablet and open Google Play Store and search for those games you won't see them listed. Once your tablet is rooted open /system/build.prop file (make sure you create a backup of it) and edit it the following values: (best way to edit is copy this file to your PC, then with Notepad++ edit it then place it back in your tablet. But you can also edit it directly in the tablet using Root Explorer or ES-File-Explorer)
Note: You Have to be using Android ICS 4.0.4 on your Tablet to do this changes.
Original values
change them for:
After you change those values and reboot your tablet, go back to Google Play Store in your tablet, you'll see now listed those games (and others)
Once you installed them you can change these values to the originals and the games still run OK
There are other games like Mass Effect Infiltrator at regular price $6.99 that needs this change in /system/build.prop in order to install.
NOTE: I did try with LGE VS910-4G and somehow Google Play Store didn't list those games; Once I used the values listed above it worked.
This has been the hardest thing I've encountered to find a solution for. Out of the 4 games I posted above, only 3 have been able to install with this build.prop configuration (Mass-Effect Infiltrator, Modern-Combat3_Fallen_Angels and Gangster_Rio). The one that is giving me headache is N.O.V.A 3, it used to work before; but after I did a factory reset, swapped my SDcards and change /data to a different mount-point and partition, this game has not been able to RUN. it installs fine but after launching there's a message that says "Your Device is NOT compatible with this Game". I have tried all sort of combinations of ro.build and ro.product values and nothing has been able to pass through this message.
I tried changing the previous values posted above to:
as it was mentioned on XDA Developers specifically for this game here: [HOWTO] Get most Gameloft games compatible with the S4 HTC One X - xda-developers but not luck yet
And also these values:
as mentioned here: [Guide] Change build.prop for game loft games. - Page 3
Not luck yet, but I keep trying.
This method works, I have used it a lot with the LP 1. This mod is for the Le Pan 2 tablet with I.C.S. installed; you need Root access to be able to edit the build.prop file, which is on the /system directory.
It's a simple text file, but DO Be Careful, don't break things, have a backup copy handy before doing any changes.
Lepanero's post starts here :

** Edit : Obligatory disclaimer follows.
Beware that you CAN do damage to your phone/tablet/device if you use this information mindlessly.
As someone said in our irc channel, with careless use, you might brick your device, and be a Noob forever.
Just be careful and you will be fine. Respect is good. /disclaimer off.
yann2 **
If anyone wants to get these 3 awesome games: Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation, N.O.V.A 3 and Gangstar Rio: City of Saints at $1 dollar each, you need to root your tablet in order to install them. If you open those link you can see them on your brower, but if you go to your tablet and open Google Play Store and search for those games you won't see them listed. Once your tablet is rooted open /system/build.prop file (make sure you create a backup of it) and edit it the following values: (best way to edit is copy this file to your PC, then with Notepad++ edit it then place it back in your tablet. But you can also edit it directly in the tablet using Root Explorer or ES-File-Explorer)
Note: You Have to be using Android ICS 4.0.4 on your Tablet to do this changes.
Original values
ro.build.description=LePanII-user 4.0.4 IMM76D user.v406 release-keys
change them for:
ro.build.description=GT-N7000-user 4.0.4 IMM76D XXLRI release-keys
After you change those values and reboot your tablet, go back to Google Play Store in your tablet, you'll see now listed those games (and others)
Once you installed them you can change these values to the originals and the games still run OK
There are other games like Mass Effect Infiltrator at regular price $6.99 that needs this change in /system/build.prop in order to install.
NOTE: I did try with LGE VS910-4G and somehow Google Play Store didn't list those games; Once I used the values listed above it worked.
This has been the hardest thing I've encountered to find a solution for. Out of the 4 games I posted above, only 3 have been able to install with this build.prop configuration (Mass-Effect Infiltrator, Modern-Combat3_Fallen_Angels and Gangster_Rio). The one that is giving me headache is N.O.V.A 3, it used to work before; but after I did a factory reset, swapped my SDcards and change /data to a different mount-point and partition, this game has not been able to RUN. it installs fine but after launching there's a message that says "Your Device is NOT compatible with this Game". I have tried all sort of combinations of ro.build and ro.product values and nothing has been able to pass through this message.
I tried changing the previous values posted above to:
as it was mentioned on XDA Developers specifically for this game here: [HOWTO] Get most Gameloft games compatible with the S4 HTC One X - xda-developers but not luck yet
And also these values:
as mentioned here: [Guide] Change build.prop for game loft games. - Page 3
Not luck yet, but I keep trying.