Ematic E-GLIDE Android Mobile Internet

What comes on the cd is the same version you already have on the eGglide, there is no gain on running the update, since is not an update.

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I use the free app "Android System Information" that I downloaded from the Android Market.
Let me know if your device matches up and I'll be happy to walk you through the upgrade process.
Yes, what kyres said. :)
You may still want to familiarize yourself with the update process (not upgrade, sorry) if you are interested in trying out any custom roms or doing any modifications yourself.
It's good you are taking your time and asking questions because you don't want to make a mistake and brick your tablet.
dear sungirl & kyres. hi....I do not have to perform the firmware update on the eglide? How do i know if i have the latest firmware update installed? how do i download the free app "Android System Information" that you downloaded from the Android market?
dear sungirl & kyres. hi....I do not have to perform the firmware update on the eglide? How do i know if i have the latest firmware update installed? how do i download the free app "Android System Information" that you downloaded from the Android market?

paulwayne - I believe the cd and instructions for installing the "upgrade" image are simply a *backup* in the unlikely event you would need to reinstall your firmware. Kudos to Ematic for including this!

I suggest enjoying your tablet and don't worry about updating anything yet. There isn't a stable Froyo (2.2) version for this tablet right now and if you watch this forum you will know if/when there is. (Don't hold your breath!)

If you want to know how to download from the market, just click on the icon and sign in with your gmail address/password and search. Once you find it, install it and you're done.

Do you have an android phone or used android before? If so, it all works the same way. If not, you should probably take some time to read through some introduction to android threads. There is a lot of good info that has already been posted...that's how I am learning. :)

Just a quick comment about the "cell standby"...from what I've read and from my experience with the apad and the eglide, I don't think it is actually searching for a signal. I don't think it physically can. It probably wouldn't bother us so much if it was just labeled "standby". Shows you how much power a single word can have! Let me know if you learn differently...
You are right, however, after using this "Airplane Mode" application, I'm getting more juice from the battery, yesterday it lasted more than 5 hours, which did not last before. Still the battery indicator is not working as expected, I get it all the time in 100% and after like the 5 hours, it just tell me the battery is low and a few minutes later it comes red.
I kinda know now how much battery I can get so when it comes to time I just plug it the charger, but it will be nice if the battery gauge actually worked :p
dear sungirl and kres, I called ematic today, you are correct, the firmware cannot be updated with the CD. The CD is to reset the device. I was able to connect to my router and have an excellent signal strength, however, when i go to browse a web page i receive an error message "web page not available". I tried the goggle search and the error comes up, when i try to use the Browser the same error message comes up. Any help please? should i reset to default for browser data and reset all settings to default? i'm using the plug in power supply because my battery is low, could that be a problem?
I have the same persistent problem with the battery as well. The battery indicator isn't ever close to being accurate--I've had the unit completely shut down on me without any notice. While I had a moment of panic when the blue charging light didn't come on, the following morning it was all juiced up and ready to go. It doesn't bother me so much...like you, I have learned to keep track of my use and charge it appropriately. However, it would be really, really nice if it worked!!
Not sure about your internet connection--there are several things you could do to troubleshoot. The best advice from me is to completely charge your battery (with tablet powered off) before you start messing with anything. From my experience, the battery will run completely down while plugged in IF it is in operation. It's like there is only so much power coming in and the operation of the unit takes precidence over the recharging of the battery. I really have no idea why this is happening; just recommend that you power down and completely charge the battery. :)
dear singirl, hi. I got my internet up and running, I called Ematic and I had to go into the advanced settings under wi-fi settings and uncheck "static IP". I can access the web and my email without any problems. I have a question, when I click on the Browser icon on the mail screeen I get an error message 404 "that's an error", yet I can go into goggle and surf the anything on the web. Do you know why I cannot access the browser from the main screen? Also, how do you get to your device specs? i cannot find the link. Also you spoke about the RKtools on the mini CD, what will they do for the tablet?
I'm sorry, but someone else is going to have to help you with your error message--I haven't encountered that before. Have you tried searching for the answer? You could always install a different browser (Opera, Miren, etc.) and see if that helps.

The program I use to collect my tablet's specs is called Android System Information by Electric Sheep. It is just one of many good apps available for free on the market. If you have trouble finding it, pick another highly rated app and it should give you all the info you need.

As for the Market, you should be able to click on the icon on your default home screen and sign in with your google username and password.

Very simply stated, RKTools are used to update/reinstall your tablet's firmware--you start the app, connect your tablet to your computer and select the new firmware image file you want and press "update". The tools do all the work from this point on...

Hope this helps!
dear sungirl, I caled ematic and they corrected the error for the browser, I just had to change the web page start up url. does the eglide support windows-7 files or do i have to reload the firmware and select the win-7 box?I have no sound coming from my tablet, any suggestions? any suggestions to get the camera function working? I have vertical bars that are dark with an "X" on top of the bars, what do they represent? are they for the mobile 3G signal? thanks for your help. paulwayne.
It sounds like Ematic is providing you with decent customer service? If so, that's good to know. :)

Yes, the eGlide works with Windows 7 and there is a driver included with the tools on the cd, along with the original firmware. I flashed the firmware from the cd to the tablet since I wanted to compare and make sure it was the same as what came installed on the tablet. To me they appear to be the same.

As for supporting windows 7 files...not sure what you mean? Are you able to see your tablet and tf card when connected to your computer? If so, have you copied some music, movies, books, whatever to your tablet to see how they work? The tablet worked out-of-the-box with my windows 7 x64 system. You shouldn't have to reload the firmware (if we agree it's the same image). If you ever need to use the tools you will want to make sure to check the win-y box to install the correct drivers on your pc.

I have sound, and my original camera works (however, I installed a different camera with more bells and whistles) so if you are having issues with them you might want to call Ematic again. You seem to be having good luck with them! Just so you know, this is all very new to me too, and everything I know I learned on this forum by doing a quick search--I guarantee you aren't the first person with these questions. :)

As for the vertical bars with the X--yes that represents your 3G signal and is probably activated with a 3G dongle. Personally, I don't plan to ever use it, so I have spent much time investigating it. I have a rooted Droid Eris and wireless tether to my MacAir for any serious web browsing on the road. ;-) I have also installed SDK on the Mac so I can use adb while sitting in carpool--I'm hoping to permanently root this tablet for the main purpose of being able to wireless tether to my phone. :)