The problem with all the emulators is they were deleped for phones, so when played on the tab they are scaled. You can adjust the resolution in the menu to normal, 2x, and full screen. You can also set the ratio to 4x5 so they aren't stretched. I would think/hope someone is working on emulators for the tab.
The graphics mimic the systems, so N64 is way better than Atari.
N64 isnt pretty good, it would be awesome if it wasn't scalled. I ran it inthe normal resolution and it was crisp, but the size was close to my phone.
The really cool part is the Wii Mote is bluetooth and works awesome with Simplw Wii something or another in the market. With any controllers in any emulator you can map the buttons andWii motion. so you can use the Wii Wheel in MarioCart64 with the same button layout. Then save the layout and configure another for GoldenEye, which is great even when its scaled.