Firmware update method for SuperPAD II

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Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
Translated from notes included with firmware package released March 12, 2011 for SuperPAD II

Typical firmware upgrade method:

1 prepare a microSD card formatted to FAT32
2 download the new firmware files
3 place the firmware update files (firmware-discovery and firmware2) into the root directory of the microSD card
4 put the microSD card into the powered down device, and proceed to turn the device on to begin the automatic firmware upgrade process.
5 when the firmware upgrade is complete, remove the microSD card
6 use the reset button to restart the device

Additional notes
To upgrade, place the files to a microSD card formatted to FAT32.
The card must contain the file firmware2, along with the files bootloader-discovery or firmware-discovery.

Corresponding to:
firmware2 + bootloader-discovery: update firmware data contained in NOR flash (bootloader)

firmware2 + firmware-discovery: update firmware data contained in SD card (internal ROM)

firmware2 + firmware-discovery + bootloader-discovery: update firmware data contained in NOR flash (bootloader) and SD card (internal ROM)

Caution: Unless the device fails to turn on, avoid updating the NOR firmware data
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