Flash ROM of 7035/7033 from SD card


May 2, 2012
Good Day

Is it possible to flash a new ROM onto the 7035/7033 using ONLY the SD card? If this is possible can someone point me in the direction of the required files and instructions to do so. Would really appreciate it. I have a device that I cannot boot into so I cannot get it into USB mode.

You would need to contact Coby, if they choose to send you the firmware it will include the instructions. Stock recovery requires Coby signed updates so only Coby can help you. If you had custom recovery then would be no problem updating from sdcard.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I am about to give them a call now. Hopefully I do get the right place and someone who can actually help.
Hi kirrinjones, and the whole community:
I have a COBY Kyros MID7033.
I contact with coby support and not I responded (I sent 7 mails) they responded with how do a master reset and my request is for a stock firmware.
The problem is the next:
I access with root permissions and I modified the permissions of system folder without unmount, the android froze. And now to the start the tablet appears the logo coby and then the 10 seconds disappears and appears cyclically.
Try linking with the tablet in menu recovery with adb server and write the command "./adb devices" the tablet responds "0123456789ABCDEF offline", obviously how android not start i can't enable debugging mode.(anybody know a method for enable?)
Please if anybody has a stock firmware and the directives for flashing the tablet I appreciate help me.

P.D.: My English is very basic, but the google translator is magic.
P.D.2: I hold button vol minus and power button enter in recovery menu, and wipe the data partiton and cache partition.