Rooted Coby 7035-4 ... but struggling with installing Google Framework, help please?

Didn't work.... The Apps open now, but I just get a server error and can't do anything with the app...
Didn't work.... The Apps open now, but I just get a server error and can't do anything with the app...

What do you mean by server error? I also have rom manager installed for the fix permission function, that's the only thing that I did other than previously mentioned

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Syncing mail through stock client. But pretty much any apps directly associated with google will not connect to google servers/will not sync. Anytime I try it says "Server Error"

What exactly does the fix permission function do?
Got it fixed!!!!

Downloaded Rom Manager, fixed permissions, then recopied all file from Gapps again, restarted, everything is syncing and working properly so far.

Thanks for the help!
More than likely he sideloaded it. The app is readily available from places other than the Play Store.
Nice. Since you got rom manager it means you can download now from the market?

Yes, after fixing permissions with rom manager I can access play and download anything I desire. This is on my 7033 but I'm almost certain its working on his 7035 now.

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