I have the same problem... While loading on green screnn "powered by wowpad" freezes... Any help please? I have stored a lot of data and i can not have access on them... Thank you...:-(
Hi...I'm Jim First, when buying this model ALWAYS ASK if it's the Superpad or Flytouch2 (Superpad should come in a Superpad box most times) Flytouch has many known issues. Superpad has a stronger reputation. Your PRoblem -- VERY COMMON on this model. I can't remember the right buttons, but you need a FACTORY DATA RESTORE. Not pushing the Reset Pin, but a Factory Data Restore. It fixes it up. BUT !!!! You will loose ALL Information. It is the only solution I know -- other than Flashing the Firmware with an SD Flash method. Good luck. jim
they are two different tablet pcs.
the flytouch 2 is gome,but the ZT-180 SOC is Zenithink.They are made in different factory.
the flytouch 2 have camera,but the old zt-180 havn't,the lastest version have the camera.And the flytouch 2 have GPS,but the zt-180 have not.
they are both android 2.1,the Memory is 256MB DDR.
Wife has ZT-180 and I have the Sawee 10 Mid tablet. The latest version of the ZT is far superior and plays all games and movies and connects to TV easily. The SAWEE is buggy and lots of apps dont work and the Wireless disconnects regularly. Still ok for a cheap pad though.