Flytouch 2/3 Mico SD card speeds.


May 30, 2011
Allo all,

I've just ordered a Flytouch 3 (or 2 and a bit, depending on how you see it) , the same one as Johnierw and I've seen a few posts here about replacing the internal sd card from a 4G/8G up to 16G. Easy enough to do. My question is are there any speed advantages of putting in a class 6 or 10 over the standard class 2 that normally comes with the Flytouch?
I'm asking about boot up speed, transferring 1.5G movies over, apps starting up and general responsiveness.

Does anyone have any test results / benchmarks for their upgraded internal SD card?

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I just bought one too recenlty and I put a 16g class4 scandisk sd card, it runs pretty fast in terms of Boot speed, I have not yet transfered movies across, but alot of documents and its just like a laptop. Keep in mind this is a class 4. It might be faster with a class 10 but you will have to pay for it.

Hope it helps
Does your tablet only have the internal. Sdcard or is there also an external port where you can put one, as is the case with the Viewsonic GTablet?

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
There is also an external sd port, though of course you cant boot from that. I've heard reports of sdcard speeds being funny, like a cheap class 10 running slower than a class 4, make sure you buy quality!