Senior Member
- Jan 24, 2012
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The above images are taken from my test on the 2 GB SD card that came bundled with my Le Pan 1 tablet.
We have been talking (in other threads, another forum) about how to benchmark (test speeds) or how to optimize (increase speed) on SD card use.
Anyone can run a benchmarking tool, they simply read and write to the SD card and measure the throughput. At the very least, you can find out how well your card is performing.
Users with Root access on their devices can do more, as we discussed here, there are simple tools that allow you to increase data speeds.
The main limiter is WRITE speed, saving data to the card, writting new files like pics, downloads, copied videos etc. The cards are sold and labelled by Class, each class being guaranteed to work at a certain speed.
If you paid more for a higher speed card, benchmarking it makes sure it's kosher and running like it should. Class 4 cards should have WRITE speeds above 4 MB/s. Class 6, above 6 MB/s, and so on. Current top speeds are the Class 10, and there are fakes out there, so buyer beware.
* How do I Benchmark my card?
Easy - head on to the Market and get this app:
Free, small, saves your results to a graphics file if you chose to do so. Nice work, recommended. Root NOT Required, as this is jsut a performance measuring tool.
Once installed, it will run, and display the results graphically You can choose to save that, it creates a .png file on the /SDtools folder in your card. All files are labelled with date/time of the test, so you won't overwrite the older test by mistake.
I trimmed and cropped my test result file, to make it fit here better - as the Forums have a more Horizontal orientation, while SD Tools creates a more phone-like vertical image.
Here's the original, shrunken down so it doesn't take too much room :

* How do I Optimize my card? Can it be Done?
It depends - If you have Root access in your phone, tablet device, you CAN run a small tool that allows tweaking the speeds. Then you can repeat the benchmarking, and compare results, maybe tweak it again, retest, etc. Things that Geeks like to do.
Currently, Le Pan 1 owners can enjoy Root access and completely own their devices, as it should be. LPII, there's no rooting yet, the manufacturer tried to make that as hard as possible to obtain; but people are working on it.
Have a rooted/supported device? You need this :
yann2 said:To improve performance on your SD card read and write operations, you can use an app that increases the ram buffers for card read/write. THIS REQUIRES ROOT access. I found a nice app on the XDA Dvelopers forum that does jsut that. Tested and working on my rooted LP1.
Thumbs up!
* How do I Report my Results?
You can post here in this thread. Since screenshots are LARGE images, please post in text only, writing down the following info. Copy this down as a template, then paste in your post, fill in info. Saves time.
SD Card Brand/size :
Rated Class.......... :
Write Speed......... :
Read Speed.......... :
Tablet Model......... :
It will look neat and aligned in your post - I just tested, it looks good.
* Can I see some Results?
Sure, here is my own 2 GB card:
SD Card Brand/size : Sandisk 2 GB, bundled with LP1
Rated Class.......... : not labelled
Write Speed......... : 7.4 MB/s
Read Speed.......... : 17.7 MB/s
Tablet Model......... : Le Pan 1
And the internal memory of my wife's Archos tablet - which is seen as SD as well:
SD Card Brand/size : Archos 101T tablet internal storage, 8 GB
Rated Class.......... : not rated
Write Speed......... : 9.5 MB/s [after tweak - 9.8 MB/s]
Read Speed.......... : 15.1 MB/s [after tweak - 22.4 MB/s]
Tablet Model......... : Archos 101T
What about yours? What speeds are you getting? Could you improve them?
Let us know!
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