Flytouch2 wifi range again, photo attached (hardware or firmware issue?)


Mar 4, 2011
My FT2 is only willing to connect through wifi when I am standing right next to the router. Tried at another rooter, same. When I open wifi settings, sometimes for 2 sec it shows excellent signal, but after few sec it goes down to poor or zero and remains weak until I open the wifi setting page again.
Firmware is 1561, router set to WPA2.
I opened the device to check the wlan module, but couldn't see any problem with solderings. Anyway, I have attached a pic, maybe you will recognize if there is a problem. While opened, there is a small difference in range but still 1/0 bar.

Would a firmware update help, or is it a hardware issue?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks a lot!

Hi....... I had similar issues with my Flytouch2 but I solved it and enhanced it. I purchased a Rokland N3 clip on antenna.

The n3: 802.11n Wireless-N Long Range WiFi USB for Macs & PCs

Just plug it in to the top USB port, turn on the WIFI and watch it pull in the signals. I have been pulling in signals from up to 3 blocks away.

It says that it will work on Windows and Mac but it works "flawlessly" on. Android.


It might just be the picture, but the center conductor on your antenna lead looks like there's more flux than solder holding it on. I replaced my antenna lead with a tyco laptop internal laptop sticky antenna (don't know what else to call it). It wasn't the easiest thing to do since the solder connections are so dang close together, but it was doable. I haven't really noticed much range improvement, but picked up maybe a couple db via "wifi analyzer". Try applying some heat to the center conductor on that solder joint (make sure not to short the two legs).
Hi Badram,
How did you manage to install the driver for the wireless usb adapter? I have a Realtek wifi adapter with antenna what works super on my laptop, 10 times better then the internal wifi. I tried it on my flytouch but it doesn't work. The adapter came with a Linux driver what should work also for android but how to install it? Any idea? Or someone else is able to help?

In my experience with these tablets ( I have two) the wifi signal tends to be pretty awful,unless you're
sat almost on top of your router.
I have found (after trying MANY external USB antennae) that the Rokland is the only one that is pretty
well guaranteed to work.
Obtaining them in Europe is almost impossible,I've looked everywhere....
I finally bought two whilst on holiday in the States & they are brilliant.
If anyone knows of a source closer to home i.e. in the EU,please post a
link on this thread,I'm sure lots of people would be most grateful.

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Tequila since you've already operated on yours, did you notice the voltage being applied? I'm sure it's pretty dang low and since the battery here is pretty horrible do you think they're underpowering WIFI?
Hello Siverwizard,
They sell the Rokland N3 on Ebay for just under 40U$ + post
How does it work, you didn't install a driver for it? just plug it in?
If it's working I'll considder buying one.

Hi japrijs and others, Sorry for the delay in answering but I have been working on a 3G issue with my Flytouch2.......

The Rokland N3 comes with a drivers CD for Windows and Mac. (Can be used on both)

Procedure for the Flytouch2 Android: Make sure your WIFI is unchecked, then plugin the main USB connection ( two wires going to it) on the N3 to the top USB port and then check the WIFI and network connections. No CD needed!!

WALA! you will have connections from nearby and far away. You can get it from the Rokland site or Ebay. It was faster for me getting it from the Rokland site.

NOTE: There are two USB connectors on the N3...........The one with two leads is the one you plugin the FT2. The other is used for power if you need it. I didn't have to use it for my FT2.

I hope this clarifys things........Badram
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Hi Badram,
thanks for your information, I will order one as soon as possible.
This information should be a "sticky" in the main thread. (moderator is this possible?)
It must be known by everyone because the wifi range of this pad is just enough to sit within 10m distance (or less in some cases) of the router.

Greetings, Johan

Bad notice: they don't ship to brazil
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Japris, I don't know why they don't ship to Brazil. I have talked to a man named "Jason" at Rokland. He has been very helpful with my questions.

If you want I will call him on Monday and ask if they can or why they can't ship. I have unlimited calls on my cell so it won't be a problem.


UPDATE NOTE: I just got off the phone with Jason at Rokland. He said they DO NOT ship to other countries including Brazil. There is an issue with the postal and shipping systems in other countries. They have lost many shipments and are unable to get back any monies they lose.


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Badram, thanks for your offer to help, it would be nice to have the Rokland so if you don't mind calling for me please.
Write me a PM if you have news.

Thanks again, Johan
Badram, thanks for your offer to help, it would be nice to have the Rokland so if you don't mind calling for me please.
Write me a PM if you have news.

Thanks again, Johan

ran out and bought one only to find out it dose not work with android 2.2 bummer.
Rokland works great on my flytouch 2, but it is a bit bulky

They have a micro version that I am wondering if it would work adequately