Free Tablet Giveaway!!!!

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I'm a teacher in the uk and I am looking to get a tablet to assist with admin and teaching - if I was to get this one then I would show all my colleagues how great it was and tell them to buy from you!
First off, I'd love to win the giveaway tablet. Now that that's out of the way...

Aside from the Samsung Tab and the very early warning of the Blackberry PlayBook (not Android, but at least an iPad competitor), we've seen curious little about other mainstream Android tablets. Is everyone just waiting for Android 3.0 to be formally announced first?

Personally, I'd consider the Tab...if it weren't $600. That's just too much for an iPad competitor--got to under-cut that $500 price tag...

Just my 2¢...

I am curious to see how these smaller tablets compete. They can't compete with the 10" ones or the smart phones so I wonder if there will be a market for them in schools or somewhere else.
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