Fring video fix for upside down picture


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
A lot of people have been reporting that when they use Fring, especially with iPhone users on the other end, the picture is showing up upside down. I have a fix for this that I have tested and can confirm works between an HTC Thunderbolt and an iPhone 4. Technically, there is no reason it shouldn't work for other users that are having this problem.

Edit your /system/build.prop entities to be as follows:

ro.product.manufacturer = Samsung
ro.product.model = Nexus S

That should do it!

Pre-requisites: Rooted phone/tablet, S-Off

Option 1:
Using ADB:
Connect to your phone/tablet via adb

adb pull /system/build.prop c:\<your file directory>
where your file directory is where you want to store it on your PC

Open the file in your Text Editor of choice
Make the edits

adb push c:\<build.prop> /system/
where c:\<build.prop> points to your edited file on your computer
adb reboot

that should do it!

Option 2:
Using Root Explorer on your device
Navigate to /system/
Press and hold on build.prop until you get the File Options menu
Select Edit File in Text Editor
Make the necessary changes
Select Menu
Select Save and Exit
Reboot your phone/tablet

A lot of people have been reporting that when they use Fring, especially with iPhone users on the other end, the picture is showing up upside down. I have a fix for this that I have tested and can confirm works between an HTC Thunderbolt and an iPhone 4. Technically, there is no reason it shouldn't work for other users that are having this problem.

Edit your /system/build.prop entities to be as follows:

ro.product.manufacturer = Samsung
ro.product.model = Nexus S

That should do it!

Pre-requisites: Rooted phone/tablet, S-Off

Option 1:
Using ADB:
Connect to your phone/tablet via adb

adb pull /system/build.prop c:\<your file directory>
where your file directory is where you want to store it on your PC

Open the file in your Text Editor of choice
Make the edits

adb push c:\<build.prop> /system/
where c:\<build.prop> points to your edited file on your computer
adb reboot

that should do it!

Option 2:
Using Root Explorer on your device
Navigate to /system/
Press and hold on build.prop until you get the File Options menu
Select Edit File in Text Editor
Make the necessary changes
Select Menu
Select Save and Exit
Reboot your phone/tablet


Wow.. nice one mate, i did a quick search found this thread and hey presto, works on my Viewpad 10s not sure why it should work but it works..thanks for saving me time